What is the origin of the initial SARS-CoV-2 strain that sparked the COVID-19 global pandemic? Was the SARS-CoV-2 virus created, or did it occur naturally? If the virus was created in a laboratory as Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan contends, will the world ever have enough proof to widely accept the “lab theory” as fact? Or will there be the official, government version of how COVID-19 originated, and the version the majority of the public believes to be true?
As early as January 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan was attempting to sound the alarm and warn the world that this coronavirus was a highly-mutant, man-modified virus that originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But rather than amplifying Yan’s warning, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), along with the international scientific community, began an orchestrated effort to defame Dr. Li-Meng Yan and refute her allegations.
Since Dr. Yan’s early discoveries and warning attempts, many astute researchers, scientists, and investigative reporters have spoken of the real possibility that COVID-19 was hatched in a Chinese laboratory. Calls for an investigation into the origin of the virus have been met by the CCP restricting access to data and documents that could have helped the world understand the true origin of this deadly pandemic that has left approximately 5.6 million people dead worldwide.
In January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, received an email from a virus researcher in the United States indicating that SARS-CoV-2 had “unusual features” which could suggest it was “engineered”. As more scientists came forward with similar observations, rather than researching the possibility that China had lied to the world about the origin of COVID-19, Fauci labeled such scientific exploration as conspiracy theory. Why Fauci was almost frantic about squashing any storyline that contradicting the Chinese Communist Party official report on COVID-19, will require its own investigation.
Today, people around the world, to include many respected scientists, journalists, and elected officials, suspect that SARS-CoV-2 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. What is unknown is how the virus escaped from the laboratory, and whether it was released accidently, or worse, purposely. Unfortunately, the world may never know the truth.
What cannot be ignored is the wide-ranging symptoms associated with COVID-19. It is a virus like no other.
· High temperature (fever)
· Chills and shivers
· Persistent cough
· Loss or change in smell (anosmia)
· Loss or change in taste (dysgeusia)
· Headache
· Tiredness, exhaustion (fatigue)
· Inner ear complications / hearing loss
· dizziness
· Sore throat
· Sudden confusion (delirium)
· Skin rash
· Changes in the mouth or tongue (COVID tongue)
· Red and sore fingers or toes (COVID fingers/toes)
· Shortness of breath
· Loss of breath
· Chest tightness / pains
· Muscle pains
· Hoarse voice
· Abdominal pains
· Runny nose
· Sneezing
· Nausea
· Syncope
· Diarrhea
· Death
Should these symptoms be seen as anecdotal evidence or circumstantial evidence that there’s something very unnatural about COVID-19? There is no virus that has affected mankind like SARS-CoV-2. In recent history we have faced off against SARS in 2003, the Bird Flu in 2004, AVIAN Flu in 2005, H1N1 in 2009, Ebola in 2014, and ZIKA in 2016. None of these viruses presented the volume of symptoms as COVID-19 does, nor the peculiar randomness of who gets severely infected.
There are millions of people that had COVID-19, to varying degrees, over a year ago, and claim to still not “feel right”. Medical experts refer to these people as “long haulers”. People that had severe lung infections from COVID-19, and were fortunate enough to have survived, will never regain their lung capacity they held prior to their infection. COVID-19 patients that had symptoms primarily in the abdominal region – an extreme, and constant nauseous sensation without vomiting, and dizziness, fatigue, and even passing out (syncope), report experiencing “flashbacks” over six months later, where they’ll suddenly have a day of symptoms, and then they’re fine the next day.
The public deserves complete and truthful answers from our government. Dr. Fauci’s response to any questioning of the party line leads people to believe he knows more about the origin of COVID-19 than what has been made public thus far.
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