Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Democrats Raise More Suspicion with Voter Law Drama

Vice President Kamala Harris would like Americans to believe that millions of eligible voters are being denied the opportunity to vote. It doesn’t matter to Harris that her fearmongering and divisiveness isn’t supported by even a sliver of evidence. Even if her life depended on it, Kamala would be unable to produce a single eligible voter, from anywhere across the United States, who will be denied the opportunity to vote in the next election. Such a voter simply does not exist.   

Social media is infested by Biden / Harris messaging aimed at feeding soy milk to their suckling, liberal base while insidiously and dangerously feeding the mushy minds of wannabe socialists with the completely false narrative that Republicans are passing laws to suppress the vote – particularly the minority vote.

Defaming political opponents has long been a Democratic Party artform. They devilishly slander conservatives as white nationalists, racists, and misogynists with no regard for the pain that being falsely accused causes. So often democrats are guilty of almost everything they claim to oppose. Men are languishing in prison because they were falsely accused, and wrongly convicted. For most conservatives, this is a gross miscarriage of so-called justice. For liberals, if the victim of false accusations, malicious prosecution, and treacherous incarceration is of a different political persuasion, there’s no need for much concern. 

When the President and Vice-President of the United States repeatedly tell the same lie over and over again, the less informed are susceptible to becoming deceived by the political rhetoric. Suppressing the vote is far different from securing the vote, but President Biden and Vice-President Harris are parroting the sinister talking points of the democratic-socialist messaging machine so there is always plenty of smoke blanketing all future elections. Who doesn’t enjoy plausible deniability when the necessity to perpetrate a fraud becomes apparent it the midnight hour of election day? 

Across all of her social media platforms, Kamala Harris has been relentlessly pushing her false voter suppression narrative.

On January 6, 2022 Harris posted, “The strength of democracy is that everyone should be treated equally and that elections should be free and fair.” Later she posted, “We must pass the voting rights bills that are before the U.S. Senate to ensure free and fair elections.”

It’s difficult to understand how democrats believe voting without proof of identification will enhance, or further the fairness of elections. These are the same people who believe less, or even no police officers on the streets will somehow make the public safer.

On January 7, 2022 Harris posted, “We must defend and strengthen the right that unlocks all other rights: the right to vote.”  In a separate post she said, “States across our nation have passed laws that would make it harder to vote. We are in a critical moment, and that is why we must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. It will not be easy, but we must fight back.”

Harris avoided facts at all costs on January 7th.  “Voting” does not “unlock” all other rights. Americans do not have to “unlock” their constitutional rights. They’re born with those rights. While voting is highly recommended, it’s not required to “unlock” rights. “Harder to vote” when compared to what Madam Vice-President?  If she is comparing current voter laws to the liberal 2020 election, when under the cover of “COVID-19”, unsolicited ballots were mailed out to last known addresses with reports of some voters receiving up to five “mail-in ballots”, then “harder” should not only be hoped for, but demanded.

Twenty-four-hour voting, drive-thru voting, ballot harvesters going door to door picking up ballots, some of which the harvester “helped” fill out for vulnerable or intimidated voters, Zuckerberg boxes, (Because who can trust those United States Postal Service mailboxes?), the list goes on and on.  If voters think going to their correct voting precinct, presenting their photo identification, and casting their ballots in private feels “hard”, that doesn’t mean it is fact. Except for voters with physical ailments and disabilities; it means those voters are soft.

“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”

― Lysander Spooner

Harris has been relentless in her effort to convince others that in states like Texas, “certain” voters, mostly based on skin tone, will have to go to nearly impossible lengths to cast a vote in the upcoming 2022 elections.  On January 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 19th and 22nd she has sounded the same false alarm. Her comments on January 12, 2022 are striking because they are utterly ridiculous. Harris said, “Make no mistake: There is nothing normal about laws that prevent the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”

Kamala Harris must know that she is flat-out lying when she states that there are “laws that prevent the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”  No such law exists anywhere in the United States of America, and Harris knows it!  If she doesn’t know it, then she is so gullible, so misinformed, so out of touch with reality that she is clearly not fit to serve in any political capacity, let alone Vice President of the United States. But she does know it!  And there is nothing normal about a vice-president spreading such dishonest information for nefarious political gain.

Democrats only embrace inconvenient truths when those truths are convenient to their agenda. And the inconvenient truth, which most all democrats are denying, is the eighteen states that have passed laws in 2021, did so to roll back the extremely loose voting measures pushed through under the cloud of COVID-19 leading up to the 2020 election. The new Texas voter law is a great example. 

Texas bans 24-hour voting. Votes can be cast between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.  Democrats define this as “preventing the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”  Republicans define this as setting aside 16 hours a day for Americans to vote.

Texas bans drive-thru voting. In 2020, Houston voting officials [democrats] set up 10 drive-thru voting “centers” including in a parking garage at the NBA’s Houston Rockets homecourt, the Toyota Center. Democrats claim banning drive-thru voting “prevents the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”  Republicans see the potential for fraud outweighing the slight inconvenience associated with parking a vehicle and walking into a building – like voters do everyday when shopping, going out to eat, visiting family and friends, and getting a Slurpee after filling the tank to drive to the Toyota Center to catch a Rocket’s game. 

Texas sets vote-by-mail identification requirements. Voting with an absentee ballot will require a driver’s license number or the last four digits of the voter’s social security number. The voter will have to list either of these numbers on his or her absentee ballot application form, as well as on the envelope in which they return the ballot.  Democrats claim that requiring voters to write the last four digits of social security numbers, or even more numbers in sequence, like a driver’s license number, not just once, but twice, “prevents the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.” Republicans cannot find any example, in the history of mankind, when anonymous voting made voting more secure. As such, this elementary requirement is prudent. 

Texas now bans the mailing of unsolicited mail-in ballot applications.  Pizza coupons come in the mail – unsolicited. Mortgage refinancing letters come in the mail – unsolicited. Mail from politicians and PAC’s seeking donations arrive in mailboxes – unsolicited.  Save the whales, turtles, puppies, and cats campaign advertisements arrive at homes across America everyday – unsolicited. Republicans do not categorize mail-in ballot applications as what most people nowadays refer to as junk mail. They see the mail-in ballot application as an official government document, and not a “Buy One, Get One FREE” offer. In a world that thoughtful people may never understand, Democrats insist that not mailing unsolicited mailing ballots somehow “prevents the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”

Texas sets rules for poll watchers.  In liberal cities across America, “conservative” poll watchers, during the 2020 elections, were denied close enough access to vote handlers to ensure nothing criminal took place. Videos emerged showing democrats boarding up windows to prevent observation by poll watchers.  Some poll watchers were told they could observe the vote handling / tabulation process, but only from a distance too great to really observe anything at all. It reeked of corruption, and we saw it with our own eyes.  As a result of the new Texas voter law, partisan poll watchers cannot be denied free movement for observation. The only process the poll watchers cannot observe is the voter casting his or her vote. Republicans believe public confidence in elections is increased when partisan poll watchers report complete transparency and cooperation.

Democrats claim that Republican poll watchers observing Democrats handle, verify, count, and document votes somehow “prevents the American people from exercising their constitutional right to vote. Not a single Democrat can explain, in a meaningful way, how such observation prevents Americans from exercising their constitutional right to vote.

It is an insult to all races, but particularly non-whites, to suggest the new voter law requirements, anywhere in the United States, suppresses or oppresses “people of color”. What an absolute falsehood! How can any American look at what the Democrats are vehemently opposing – simple, easy rules that every voter,regardless of race, gender, political party affiliation, or social economical background, must follow, and not wonder if the democrats don’t have a sinister objective? 

We know their true objective.

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