Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.
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Coronavirus 2019

‘State of Emergency’ Powers

And now we’re learning this: The overwhelming majority of people have very little risk of dying from the COVID-19 virus. A recent antibody study by Stanford University estimates…

$1200 Relief Checks Do Not Cut It

The Payroll Protection Program (PPP), which is already out of funds, wouldn’t be necessary because a family of four would have just received $26,620.84 instead of $3400! Can you…

Hard Push for COVID-19 Treatments

Stephen Collinson with CNN wasted no time spinning out this headline – Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times. Not to be outdone, over at Politico, Sarah Owermohle…