It is incomprehensible that the United States House of Representatives is, in all likelihood, going to impeach the President of the United States based on liberal hearsay and innuendos. Driven by secondhand news sculpted daily to fit the liberal media bias, the headlines target the wishful thinkers that desperately need the President of the United States to be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors regardless of whether he is or not.
Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler have collectively lowered the bar for what should be considered an impeachable offense that future democrat party presidents should expect constant investigations, hearings, and impeachment lust if republicans hold the majority in the House of Representatives. These three most deceptive Representatives have warped reality while ignoring facts to create an image of President Trump that does not exist. Pelosi says the evidence is clear. Schiff says the evidence is overwhelming. Nadler says the evidence is clear and compelling. All the liberal media outlets agree. They cannot stop themselves. They must ‘Richard Jewell’ Donald J. Trump. Thankfully, the United States Senate will quickly and fully exonerate the President of all imaginary charges that Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler manufacture.
While the liberal media and the democrats in congress would like the American people to believe that the rehearsed testimony recited during the impeachment hearings represents a clear picture of what was said during the July 25, 2019 phone conversation between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelenskyy, the transcript of the phone call is the actual, indisputable evidence. The transcript is real. The liberal speculation, exaggeration, and commiseration is not real.
It’s not hard for honest people to see the truth when they are seeking it. Trump asked President Zelenskyy “to do us a favor”. ‘Us’ in this context means Trump and other people. ‘Favor’, is an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. So when Trump asks Zelenskyy to “do us a favor”, he is asking for an act of kindness. Some of the testimony provided during the Schiff hearings tried to assign greater meaning to the word ‘favor’ because it came from the President. That’s wishful thinking on the part of those that want Trump out of office. When Trump asks a foreign leader to do ‘us’ a ‘favor’, favor means favor. Trump did not extort or bribe, or blackmail Zelenskyy. Trump asked Zelenskyy to do ‘us’ a ‘favor’. Honest people know this fact alone should have thwarted any impeachment hearing before it even started.
Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler falsely claim that President Trump asked a foreign country to meddle in our elections by asking the Ukrainian President to investigate a political opponent. How that conclusion is reached based on the best evidence, the phone call transcript, demonstrates how deeply rooted the liberal hatred is for Trump.
The truth is simple. Trump asked for a favor. He asked for Zelenskyy to look into Biden’s son. Trump is recorded as saying, “The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”
What Trump said, what he asked about is true. A lot of people do want to find out about Hunter Biden and how he ended up on the board of a major Ukrainian gas company. A lot of people do want to know if the Vice President of the United States had anything to do with his son being on the board getting paid $83,333 per month for “consulting services”. A lot of people do want to know why Vice President Biden wanted a Ukrainian prosecutor fired while it was being reported that said prosecutor was interested in investigating Burisma Holdings, the company that was paying his son $83,333 per month for consulting while having no knowledge or training in natural gas exploration. A lot of people do want to know.
The liberal media says the people that want to know about the Biden’s activities in Ukraine are conspiracy theorists. In their special leftist snob-like way, the talking heads point to an investigation that nobody has seen, and say that the Biden’s did nothing wrong in the Ukraine. There was no abuse of power they say. The fact that millions of Americans remain skeptical, and don’t think Hunter and Joe’s Big Ukrainian Adventure passes the smell test is legitimate and cause enough for President Trump to ask Zelenskyy to circle back around and start anew to see if there is something to find out.
To stretch this simple phone conversation into a high crime or misdemeanor is something to be expected in North Korea, China, or Russia. To attempt to take out the President of the United States in this manner is an atrocity.
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