Trump Administration Marie Yovanovitch failed to achieve U.S. Goals in Ukraine Ed Haas Nov 15, 2019 Yovanovitch claims that then Vice President Biden never discussed Burisma with her. She also says she never met Hunter…
SC Politics FLOAT’N JOE CUNNINGHAM DRIFTS INTO SWAMP Ed Haas Nov 1, 2019 Clearly, Cunningham voted for Hillary Clinton. This fact alone should repel any republican, libertarian, or independent…
Trump Administration IMPEACHMENT IS A BADGE OF HONOR Ed Haas Oct 24, 2019 Schiff will have the teeth knocked out of his suck and Pelosi will be blamed for the failed coup d'é·tat. Righteousness will…
Trump Administration Whistleblower Anonymity is not Guaranteed Ed Haas Oct 7, 2019 The identity of the whistleblowers will be a blow to the impeachment inquiry and Schiff and Pelosi know it. This is another deep…
Social Studies Khaseen Morris should not be Dead Ed Haas Sep 20, 2019 A teenage boy fighting over a girl is nothing new. Jealous boys throwing fists over a girl probably has been occurring since the…
Democratic Socialism Justice Democrats Ed Haas Sep 1, 2019 They call themselves Democratic Socialists but there is little democracy in their scheme. The ultimate goal of the Justice…
Immigration Tempest-tossed Idea that Legal Immigrants Stand on Their Own Two-Feet Ed Haas Aug 14, 2019 Another fact that is a wrench in the liberal media deceit wheel is the fact that the Food Stamps Act did not become law until 1964…
Racism Joaquin Castro Singles Out White Trump Donors Ed Haas Aug 7, 2019 On Monday, Rep. Joaquin Castro singled out and tweeted a list of 44 San Antonio residents who had made the maximum allowable…
Immigration The Accusers Stand Accused – How to Manage Migrants Overwhelming the Southern Border Ed Haas Jul 15, 2019 She blames President Trump for a woman having canker sores in her mouth. She blames Trump for the lack of nutritional food…
War on Drugs Federal Government has a Marijuana Problem Ed Haas Jul 11, 2019 There are now 33 states and the District of Columbia that allow some form of medical marijuana use. These states are ignoring…