Most COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators die. Despite this fact, the liberal media has turned up the volume for democrat mayors and governors clamoring about the lack of these life prolonging machines. However, once the Wuhan virus has infected the lungs to the pointing of needing a ventilator to breathe, the patient is likely terminal.
Today is the tomorrow the liberals were hysterical about yesterday. The left has been running rampant since March, spreading as much fear and hysteria as humanly possible about the Wuhan Virus, which they like to call COVID-19. Each new morning brings them yet another opportunity to demonstrate how deep their deceit runs as they lob mucus ball after mucus ball at President Donald Trump in a desperate attempt to destroy his Presidency. To their credit, the leftists are persistent with their barrage of blame Trump for everything bad routine.
Aided and abetted by their liberal lackies in the news media, these designers of deception aim to scare the wits out of the gullible in the U.S. population. In this regard they should be recognized again for their success. Just five short weeks ago, many Americans were envisioning patients in hospitals gasping for their last breaths of air here on earth because President Trump did not provide hospitals with enough ventilators to meet demand. “Trump has blood on his hands” says the Boston Globe’s editorial board, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, and Nobel prize-winning economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz. And who can forget Mehdi Hasen? He says Trump has blood on his hands too.
And what about those ventilators? During his March 24th briefing Governor Cuomo said, “New York will need 30,000 ventilators in the next two weeks.” It turns out that was a wildly inflated number. On March 30th New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said that his state’s hospitals were quickly using up all of the available ventilators. Murphy tweeted, “I will leave no stone unturned to find the ventilators we need”. The federal government shipped 1350 ventilators to New Jersey. No patients died because there was not a ventilator available.
On April 2nd Governor Cuomo said, “New York might run out of its ventilator supply in six days based on current projections.” In Suffolk County New York, County Executive Steve Bellone said his county is on the verge of running out of ventilators. Neither New York or Suffolk County in New York ran out of ventilators.
On April 3rd New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told CNN’s John Berman, “I don’t know after Sunday if we’re going to have what we need, and that’s just the ventilators”. Bill de Blasio continued, “We predict by Monday or Tuesday 5,000 people in our ICUs, intubated, fighting for their lives… and that number will then grow… Every one of those people will need a ventilator,” he said. “We can only get to Monday or Tuesday at this point. We don’t know after that. How on earth is this happening in the greatest nation in the world?” Well it turns out it didn’t happen. New York City did not run out of ventilators. But you have to admit, the Mayor has a flair for the dramatic.
On April 5th Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that COVID-19 modeling predicts his state will run out of ventilators on April 9th and hospital beds on April 11th. Massachusetts lawmakers had this message on April 7th. “We have heard from hospitals in the state that they will run out of invasive ventilators in a matter of days and will run out of other ventilators that can be adapted for use for COVID-19 patients within a week.” None of this has come to pass. On topic, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had this to say on April 30th, “Not a single American died in this country for lack of a ventilator.” This is a true statement. No American has died in the United States because they needed a ventilator as part of his or her COVID-19 treatment.
What if some COVID-19 patients would not have had a ventilator available to use? A recent study answers this question. It is probable that more of them would still be alive – that’s for sure. Northwell Health, New York State’s largest health system, conducted the largest analysis of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Between March 1st and April 4th, the study included the medical records of 5,700 COVID-19 patients. Of the 2,634 patients of which their outcome is certain, the overall death rate was 21 percent. For those patients that were placed on a ventilator, the overall death rate rose to 88 percent.
The conclusion: the majority of COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators died. In many instances, the data is suggesting that the ventilator is causing more harm than good. Just imagine if Trump had been pushing ventilator usage for COVID-19 patients! Based on the lefts pattern of jeers and smears, the liberal lackies would undoubtedly be claiming that Trump has even more blood on his hands.
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