Trump Administration I WOULD LIKE YOU TO DO US A FAVOR Ed Haas Dec 7, 2019 It is incomprehensible that the United States House of Representatives is, in all likelihood, going to impeach the President of…
Trump Administration New York Times ‘Split Decision’ Nonsense Ed Haas Nov 24, 2019 Liberal bias is a lot like alcoholism. The people with the worse cases of either or both will always be the people that deny it…
Trump Administration Whistleblower Anonymity is not Guaranteed Ed Haas Oct 7, 2019 The identity of the whistleblowers will be a blow to the impeachment inquiry and Schiff and Pelosi know it. This is another deep…
Racism Joaquin Castro Singles Out White Trump Donors Ed Haas Aug 7, 2019 On Monday, Rep. Joaquin Castro singled out and tweeted a list of 44 San Antonio residents who had made the maximum allowable…
Immigration The Accusers Stand Accused Ed Haas Jul 15, 2019 She blames President Trump for a woman having canker sores in her mouth. She blames Trump for the lack of nutritional food…
Immigration Media Protects Democrats at the Southern Border Ed Haas Jun 24, 2019 But rather than focus on what is required to solve the many complex problems facing our nation along the southwestern border, the…
First Amendment Loud and Angry Voices of Hate Ed Haas Jun 10, 2019 What Adams didn’t envision is how to reason with two irate minorities that, through the advent of social media, have the ability…
Iran John Bolton – Iran and the Law of the Instrument Ed Haas May 20, 2019 Bolton’s disdain for the Islamic Republic is long standing. His loose play with intelligence is well known. Even GOP lawmakers are…
North Korea North Korea will never Denuclearize Peacefully Ed Haas May 6, 2019 North Korea has broken nuclear proliferation agreements with five U.S. Presidents. (Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama). …
Mueller Report Impeachment will end with Acquittal by the Senate Ed Haas Apr 21, 2019 The political theater that will play out between now and November 2020 will be unbearable to watch. The fake outrage will be…