Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

South Carolina Requires Photo Identification to Vote

Many states have required a photo ID to vote for years now – and people still are able to vote

The dramatic uproar that has followed Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s signature on a bill that makes changes to the Peach State’s election law has been a spectacle.  Calls to boycott Georgia were immediate. For the 18 Fortune® 500 companies with headquarters in Georgia, the calls from the liberal activist news apparatus for comment were right on cue.  We’ve all seen this show before.  If the CEO’s do not articulate a significant level of outrage, the goon squads will be unleashed upon the company headquarters as well as the private homes of the corporate bigwigs.  Broken glass, spray paint, the smell commonly associated with the skanky and unkept; and loved ones, including children, in fear of physical violence is more than enough to get titans of industry to grovel at the feet of the moronic and insane.   

Having already been criticized for failure to take a position as the Georgia bill was being debated in the statehouse, the New York Times reported that Ed Bastian, Delta’s CEO, issued a memo after the bill was signed into law in which he stated, “I need to make it crystal clear that the final bill is unacceptable and does not match Delta’s values.”  Delta Air Lines is Georgia’s largest employer.  Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey chimed in that he wanted to be “crystal clear “ too. “The Coca-Cola Company does not support this legislation, as it makes it harder for people to vote, not easier.” 

Like a swarm of South Carolina fire ants that just had their mound smashed by a big stick wielding 12-year-old boy looking for mischief and adventure, the leftist activists, race-baiters and hustlers are falling all over each other to find fresh corporate flesh to sting.  No large corporation headquartered in Georgia can be spared.  All 18 Fortune® 500 company CEOs had better come forth with the newspeak or they will be accused of oldthink and referred to the Minitrue (Ministry of Truth) for cancelation.  Don’t be surprised when you hear news reports of a CEO suddenly stepping down for personal reasons.  When you do, you can rest assured that he or she didn’t move fast enough with the approved condemnation.  He or she talked in oldspeak.  Soon either will become an unperson.

The Commissioner of Major League Baseball couldn’t take any chances.  In the time it took Oakland Athletics ballplayer Rickey Henderson to steal 2nd in 1982, Commissioner Rob Manfred issued this statement. “I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft.” 

To be crystal clear, Major League Baseball has decided to move this year’s All-Star game out of Atlanta because of what the left refers to as Georgia’s restrictive new voting law. Where were these people when Georgia passed the law that restricts the hours of operation of its Georgia Department of Driver Services Customer Service Centers?  The majority of these Customer Service Centers are closed on Sundays and Mondays, presumably making it harder for non-whites to obtain driver’s licenses, register vehicles, and REAL IDs.  Why hasn’t Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey issued a statement in opposition of the Georgia Department of Driver Services Customer Service Centers?  Why has he not said, The Coca-Cola Company does not support these hours of operation at Georgia’s Customer Service Centers, as it makes it harder for people to obtain a driver’s license, not easier?

It really is a spectacle because it escapes all logic.  It’s actually ridiculous.  Now if you’re one of those people that think ballots should be mailed out like pizza coupons addressed to Jim Eagle or Current Resident, even 5 or 6 ballots to the same person as occurred in some ‘blue’ states during the 2020 Elections…I fear there’s no hope of convincing you that this is no way to run an election; even during a pandemic.  For the rest of us that think securing the vote trumps making voting easy, there is nothing in Georgia’s new voter law that will prevent a single person from voting if he or she wants to vote. Period. 

It is suspected that only a very small percentage of Georgia voters may have to obtain an approved state identification card in order to vote in the state’s next elections. The overwhelming majority of Georgia voters already have the approved photo identification now required.  The Democrats are acting as if Georgia’s new voter law is only to be enforced against non-white voters. It’s shocking how dedicated they are to their deception.  Hopefully the good people of Georgia are not allowing the barkers to get them too worked up.  If they are concerned about their ability to vote, all they need to do is look east over the Savannah River into South Carolina.  When voting in person in South Carolina, voters are asked to show one of the following Photo IDs:

· SC Driver’s License

· SC Department of Motor Vehicles ID Card

· SC Voter Registration Card with Photo

· Federal Military ID

· US Passport

Being required to show a photo ID is not racist or restrictive.  Regardless of race, we’re asked to show a photo ID at the hospital, bank, occasionally at retail stores when paying with a credit card, when purchasing a vehicle, or when purchasing alcohol depending on how old we look.  Yet somehow, we’re to believe that Georgia’s new voter law is designed to purposely put obstacles and hardships in front of non-white voters so they are unable to vote?  It simply is not true.  What is true is it will be more difficult for voter fraud to take place in Georgia if a party of people were so inclined to engage is such an egregious act. Now what is wrong with that?  


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