Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Price at the Pump – Biden’s “Restoring Science / Climate Crisis” Executive Order

President Joe Biden is responsible for high gas prices in the United States. He set the stage for high gas prices on his first day as President of the United States.

On January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden’s first day in the oval office, the President issued Executive Order 13990 – Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis. With a stroke of Biden’s pen, America’s newly found, but short-lived energy independence achieved during the Trump Administration was terminated.

The Biden Administration continues to blame our record-breaking, high gas prices in the United States on anything other than Biden’s policies.  “Putin’s price hike” was sung in unison by Democrats once that gem of a talking point rolled out of the West Wing of the White House.  A very weak tagline to say the least, “Putin’s price hike” only pacified the truly devoted Biden supporters – the remaining twenty percent. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has affected the global oil market to a degree, but if the United States was energy independent and not reliant on foreign oil, with the possible exception of oil from Canada, Americans would not be experiencing such pains at the gas pump today.

Biden has also blamed inflation, shipping companies, and “greedy” oil producers for the high prices at the pump. Inflation is certainly part of the equation, but it will never be fully resolved for as long as the Biden Administration insists it’s not the result of the President’s policies.  Ruling by executive order, Joe Biden destabilized our domestic oil market on the first day of his administration. Now he appears bewildered by the results. Almost every domestic problem on Biden’s desk is of his own making.  When it comes to gas prices, when Biden revoked ten executive orders President Trump issued to make America “energy independent”, what did Biden think would happen? 

President Biden’s Executive Order 13990 – Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis revoked the following Trump Executive orders:

It’s these now revoked and suspended Executive Orders from President Trump that when combined, produced the regulatory environment and governmental support for domestic oil production in the United States to achieve what was once thought impossible – the United States not dependent on foreign oil.

Biden’s Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis executive order is part of the left’s mythical pursuit to lower the temperature of the planet earth by 1 or 2 degrees. Just as a dog returns to his vomit does a fool to his folly. “Restoring Science” is such a strong indication of how emotionally driven this order from President Biden is because it suggests that Trump abandoned the “science” on climate change in favor of energy independence. Any devoted Biden supporter that has read this far is yelling at his or her device – “Well he did!”.

To the contrary, Trump simply remembers the coming Ice Age “science” forecasted in the 1970’s. He remembers the “holes in the ozone” that were letting our beautiful, life-giving atmosphere escape into space, which would lead to the cooling of the planet, along with the end of mankind. He wasn’t going to destroy our economy that currently relies on fossil fuels to grease the engines of industry and productivity in favor of windmills, solar panels, and lithium batteries. Not that Trump was opposed to any of these so-called “green energy sources”.  He just wasn’t going to force feed green energy and impossible ham to the American people.  Like most capitalist Republicans, letting the market decide if and when it wants to switch to new energy innovations is the favorable approach of realistic thinkers.

Two of the ten executive orders Biden wiped out on January 20, 2021 stood out to me. E.O. 13766, signed by President Trump on January 24, 2017, streamlined and expedited environmental reviews and approvals for all infrastructure projects – to include oil pipelines. E.O. 13783, titled Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth, was signed by Trump on March 28, 2017. An order that the United States desperately needs back today, E.O. 13783 states in part:

Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that executive departments and agencies immediately review existing regulations that potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources and appropriately suspend, revise, or rescind those that unduly burden the development of domestic energy resources beyond the degree necessary to protect the public interest or otherwise comply with the law.

Executive Order 13783

Joe Biden did this. He said “no” to promoting energy independence and yes to record-breaking gas prices.  Until President Biden points to the gas pump price display and says “I did that” he will cause even greater economic hardship for the American people as he stumbles around the planet looking for oil and gas that he left in the ground at home.

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