Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Merrick Garland “Justifies” with Lies and Denials – Trump Gang can’t Escape Uneven Application of the Law

How do they do it?  How do liberals deceive with such great ease?  For the Attorney General of the United States to stand before the nation on Thursday, August 11, 2022 and state that the Justice Department is “upholding the rule of law” and “applying the law evenly” is beyond mind-boggling. Garland didn’t deliver your typical democrat doublespeak to explain away the over-the-top search of former President Trump’s home in the Mar-a-Lago Club located in Palm Beach, Florida. No sir!  Merrick stood at the podium and read the script, word for word, without tipping his hand! His body language was that of a Lutheran pastor. His tones and tempo remained measured, with just a hint of struggling restraint, revealing the little devil residing beneath his placid persona.  

If the Attorney General truly believes his Justice Department is “applying the law evenly, without fear or favor” he is delusional, gullible, and mentally unfit to serve in his current capacity. I don’t believe Garland is any of those things, which means he is one thing – a garden-variety liar! A practiced prevaricator if you like. Merrick Garland is a liar. He’s a fraud. He’s a partisan hitman that aims to trump up harassment, intimidation, and criminal charges to bankrupt political opposition and those that don’t clap hard enough, fast enough, and enthusiastically enough when Big Brother speaks.

As I witness more and more “intimidation justice” heaped onto the heads of Trump, his family, and his supporters / defenders, the more sympathetic I become for all of them. Imagine how much injustice it takes to feel sympathy for such an ego-centric, arrogant, boastful pitchman!  I support Trump over every democrat, for all the right reasons, but he’s not my first choice now, nor was he my first choice during the 2016 campaign. But what I do enjoy most about Trump is what the democrats hate about Trump – the way he gets under the liberal skin and makes them itch all over, frothing at their mouths, with bloodshot eyes and sulfurous words spewing from the sewers under their snouts! So enjoyable to see!  Trump is the sharp prick in the abscessed cyst we call today’s Democrat Party. He inflicts so much emotional and mental pain on these assholes that the majority of liberals want him destroyed! They don’t want to just stop him from running for office. The bulk of Bolsheviks in the United States, an estimated 40 million people living in this country, want Donald J. Trump dead!  And Merrick Garland hates the former President of the United States.  He hates, hates, hates him.

Liberals will not recall, and conservatives cannot forget how, on January 25, 2019, the FBI sent twenty-nine agents, seventeen armored vehicles, a helicopter, and amphibious units to execute a search warrant, and arrest Trump ally and political consultant Roger Stone during a pre-dawn raid. Stone was charged with one count of obstructing an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering. The FBI could have sent two agents with pepper spray to make the arrest of Stone, but instead went with the “we’re the fucking FBI and there isn’t a damn thing you’ll do about it” package.  In all likelihood, if asked, Stone would have simply turned himself in.

The overkill approach to harassing, intimidating, threatening, and arresting Trump allies and supporters cannot be dismissed as “procedure” or acting out of an abundance of caution to keep officers and agents safe. There is a clear pattern and distinction between how conservatives are treated by the Department of Justice and FBI, and how the liberal elite are treated. Don’t forget that journalist James O’Keefe’s home was raided by the FBI to retrieve a diary belonging to President Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden. What country do we live in that the FBI is sent to retrieve a diary because if might embarrass, or incriminate, the President?  If there was nuclear information in Ashley’s diary, and all’s fair in love and war, that would rise to the occasion I guess, depending on the details, but Joanie Loves Chachi scribblings are not a threat to our national security. 

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas never published any of the diary’s content because O’Keefe said the authenticity was not verified. Not only did the FBI raid the home of O’Keefe in yet another excessive and unnecessary pre-dawn raid, it also raided the homes of other people involved with the Project Veritas organization. The FBI claims the raids were warranted as part of an investigation in the alleged theft of the Ashley Biden diary.  Bullshit!  Again, one rookie FBI agent could have called upon O’Keefe, and the end result would have been the same or better. The truth is this raid was about content in the diary that reveals the President of the United States used to take showers with his daughter well beyond what any healthy adult would consider an appropriate age.

In her diary Ashley Biden wrote “Showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).” “Hyper-sexualized [at] a young age”. Based on pornographic images found on the authenticated, infamous Hunter Biden laptop, it is likely Ashley’s brother, Hunter, was also hyper-sexualized somehow during his childhood. In her diary, Ashley points to childhood sexualization as the probable cause of her sex addiction as an adult.  The Biden family is a dysfunctional band of erections and boner chasers, with Creepy Joe selling access to his public seats as a primary form of income, and the FBI is more interested in who stole the diary than what is in it!  Give me a break!

There is a hatred within the leadership ranks of the DOJ and FBI that is undeniable and goes well beyond bias. The FBI employs 35,000 people. Approximately 15,000 are special agents. It is assumed that most of these men and women are honorable. They go to work each day like the rest of us. Pay their bills. Raise a family. But a top-down culture can taint even the best of intentions. Climbing the ranks within the government requires consistent demonstration of team playing and compliance. If you question leadership, too loud, too often, you will fail. If you’re on an unnecessary raid team assembled to strike fear first and foremost, if you stand apart and say, hell no, you will pay a high price. Project Veritas was neutered by the FBI.  I respect James O’Keefe and the muckraking his organization has done over the years.  He has brought to light so much information that exposed the underbelly of those that commit dastardly deeds. He’ll grow his balls back one day, but right now he is treading softly so he doesn’t get jackbooted again. I admit I would do the exact same thing. It’s scary when you realize how helpless you are against the government.  The FBI and DOJ, along with the IRS can utterly destroy your life, and take away all that you cherish and adore. You are without defense. Yes, you can hire a lawyer and go to court. In ten years maybe, you’ll get charges dismissed or reduced. But you’ll be dead broke and your name will be ruined.  The FBI had no problem destroying Richard Jewell, and he wasn’t even political opposition! 

Rather than go into the Russia-collusion hoax, the Governor Whitmer kidnapping entrapment, helping the Biden campaign bury the Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 selection, targeting conservatives as domestic extremists simply for speaking out against the atrocities of liberalism, embedding FBI agents in the crowd to instigate, agitate, and facilitate the riot that broke out at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, the spying on President Trump during his presidency, as well as the latest extreme search of Trump’s home at his Mar-a-Largo Club on August 8th, instead, just look at what Merrick Garland is deliberately stalling, and ignoring.

It is a violation of federal law to use a public office for private gain (5 CFR § 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain). There is evidence suggesting Joe Biden used his public office for private gain while he was Vice-President of the United States. There are e-mails that support this allegation. There is a highly credible witness named Tony Bobulinski, who has provided public testimony that supports this allegation. Bobulinski was a former Biden family business partner. He was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.  He held a high-level security clearance and was an instructor at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. There are emails that suggest Hunter Biden was the vehicle in which funding flowed from “overseas deals” into the “Biden Family”.  Hunter gets a lucrative position on a board, or a mega-million-dollar investment deal, all for no obvious reason when you consider what a trainwreck Hunter was at the time, and Hunter in turn, pays for “everything for this entire family for 30 years”. It’s Hunter Biden who said to his daughter Naomi, “But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary”. Eye witness testimony, uncovered communications, Joe Biden lying about never discussing Hunter’s business with his son, when the evidence is everywhere showing that Vice-President Biden was meeting with Hunter’s overseas “associates” in Washington, DC.

And the potential sex scandal underneath it all; the sexually explicit photographs of Hunter Biden with what looks like girls under the age of eighteen are all over the Internet. But what about the President? Why would Hunter Biden refer to his father at Pedo Pete (“Pedo” is short for pedophile)? That’s a hell of a thing to say about your father! Yet when you review all the times Joe Biden has been witnessed touching prepubescent girls excessively, to the point the girls are visibly disturbed, and leaning away from what amounts to groping, it does beg to be investigated. 

I honestly don’t believe Attorney General Merrick Garland or FBI Director Christopher Wray give a shit how Republicans, Conservatives, and especially the MAGA movement sees their biased, politically motivated “justice”.  I think they are trying to provoke the MAGA movement. They’ll sacrifice a few of their own if it creates the justification for President Biden to declare a national emergency, invoke martial law, confiscate weapons, and demobilize political opposition long enough to surrender our nation and resources to a global socialistic scheme. 

That seems unfathomable, doesn’t it? Conspiratorial even. It could never happen here, right? In a blink of an eye, it can happen, just like that. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, that was unfathomable. When the United States rounded up Japanese Americans and placed them in internment camps, that was unfathomable too. How was it possible?  President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 in the name of national defense, during a time of national emergency, that forcibly removed approximately 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry from their homes, and placed them in internment camps on military installations in California, Oregon, and Washington.

It’s our last chance to fathom the unfathomable and stop it before it’s too late.

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