If elected, Joe Biden will be the oldest President in our nation’s history. His memory lapses are more frequent and most concerning. Voters should assume Kamala Harris will replace Biden within his first term.
If Joe Biden is elected president of the United States, will he survive his first term? Biden was born on November 20, 1942. He will turn 78 years old next month. To put Biden’s age in historical context, Ronald Reagan was 77 years, 349 days old when he left office. For many observers, even Reagan supporters, his last year in office was difficult to watch. His memory loss and struggle to sometimes find the right words to complete a thought was undeniable. The toll of old age can be harsh and steep.
As hard as the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and all Biden supporters in the media try to hide or deny it, the former Vice President is beginning to show the signs of old age. Some would say he is well beyond ‘beginning’. It is a terrible thing to witness, but should come as no surprise. The current, average life expectancy in the United States is 78.5 years. Male life expectancy in the U.S. is 76 years while female life expectancy is 81 years. By all accounts, Joe Biden has lived a full life. He has already exceeded life expectancy by nearly 2 years.
Age is just a number. There are many Americans living in their 80’s, 90’s, and even 100’s that still possess their full memory. They are able to remember events with ease. Vocabulary recall is without stutter or pause. They show no sign of memory loss – the number one symptom of dementia. Joe Biden has shown signs of memory loss; however, he has pushed back against suggestions that he should be tested for any impairment of his cognitive ability. When you have the media and a political party telling you you’re doing great, and you don’t want to believe otherwise, it’s easy to live in denial.
Swift on his feet. Joe Biden appears to be in respectable physical health for his age. He is not overweight. He claims that he exercises regularly. Like millions of other Americans, it has been reported that Biden has high cholesterol. The most significant health issue in Biden’s medical history is his two brain aneurysms in the late 1980’s, as well as a deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. In 1988, then Senator Biden underwent surgery to correct an aneurysm in an artery that supplies blood to the right side of the brain. That was 32 years ago. Doctors today report that there are no serious physical issues concerning Joe Biden’s health.
The Biden campaign is overdoing it a bit. They have him running when it doesn’t even make sense. For no good reason, his campaign advisors must have told him to at least jog whenever he sees cameras. After his Gettysburg speech on October 6, 2020, Biden is seen jogging up a grassy hill toward his awaiting vehicle. Photographs of him running in his dark blue suit have shown up on news clips as well as commercials paid for by political action committees. It all serves one purpose: to convince voters that despite the age appropriate appearance of former Vice President Joe Biden, he is young at heart and full of piss and vinegar – ready to tackle the world while saving America from itself. It is sad really, because it’s just for show. It’s not true.
Run, Joe, Run. Joe Biden has run for President three times – 1988, 2008, and 2020. For a minimum of 32 years, Biden has envisioned himself as the President of the United States. It’s probably closer to 35 or 40 years. When a person chases a prize for that long, falling short, then waiting for the right moment to run again – Father Time is at the starting blocks reminding Joe that each new day means that his time is running out. Second after relentless second – time cannot be stopped. As seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years fall away, his final hour awaits. Just like the rest of us. How desperate is Joe Biden to finally win his prize? He knows time is running out for him. He knows he does not have another start in him.
God’s gift to the left. Early on in the democratic primaries, Joe Biden was not capturing the hearts and minds of liberal voters. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders were exciting the base. Even Mayor Pete Buttigieg from South Bend, Indiana was getting more press than Joe Biden. And then South Carolina happened. Representing the 6th Congressional District of the Palmetto State, the House Majority Whip, Congressman Jim Clyburn endorsed Joe Biden on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 – just four days before the South Carolina primary. Biden crushed the field winning the South Carolina presidential primary with 48.4% of the vote. Bernie Sanders came in a distant second with 19.9% of the vote. Nobody has really tried to explain what changed for Biden in the last days of February 2020 other than Clyburn’s endorsement, but nothing could stop Biden after his South Carolina victory. Maybe he just seemed like the safest bet to beat Donald Trump.
Jane Fonda said recently, “I think COVID is God’s gift to the left.” Conservative media was quick to ridicule the insufferable Hanoi Jane for suggesting that a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans and destroyed millions of livelihoods is a gift from God. Take God out of the equation and rephrase Fonda’s statement to something like “The left has maximized the political benefits found during this COVID pandemic” and you’re looking at the truth. Democrats blame Trump for all COVID-19 deaths. They blame him for the unemployment rate while blaming him for opening the economy back up to soon. And they blame him for holding super-spreader events – his infamous Trump Rallies that fire up his supporters – his favorite way to campaign.
But the biggest benefit of all is the cover COVID-19 has provided Joe Biden. Avoiding public appearances has been excused by the press as Biden understanding this one of many existential threats facing our nation. Lack of enthusiastic crowds for Biden when compared to Trump is explained as Biden mandating strict adherence to social distancing recommendations and limiting the number of attendees at any of his speeches. Biden ducks in and ducks out. Everything about his minimal public appearances is orchestrated. When he doesn’t have a teleprompter feeding him words, he has note cards or an earpiece. Never before has a presidential candidate been able to isolate himself away from disenchanted reporters that want to fire away at him for 90 minutes. Meanwhile, Trump thrives when doing combat with the “fake news” as he calls it. So, yes. The left has executed a great strategy that would be completely unacceptable to the American people if it were not for the COVID-19 virus.
Along came a spider. Senator Kamala Harris also was running for president in 2020. Her campaign never could get off the ground. Too much baggage it seemed. The ‘woke’ generation took great exception to Harris being a former Attorney General for the State of California. Harris saw to it that thousands of men, mostly men of color, were prosecuted and sent to prison when required. She was doing her job. As state Attorney General, Harris represented the government of California as well as the people of the Golden State. Unfortunately for Harris, law and order is not a favorable attribute in the Democratic Party this election year.
Ironically, the most memorable moment of the Harris presidential campaign came on June 27, 2019. Harris confronted Joe Biden during the 1st Democratic Primary Presidential Debate concerning his friendship with certain senators that opposed integration, and working with those senators on bills aimed at banning busing to further school desegregation during the 1970’s and early 80’s. Biden tried to deflect Harris by saying that he was against the mandate coming from the Department of Education, but Harris won the moment.
A seasoned politician, Joe Biden knows that spoken words do not last in Washington DC – and words on debate stages are the mayflies of all oratory. Kamala Harris was trying to score debate points, and she did. Period. Biden goes on to win the Democratic Party presidential nomination, and picks Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate and candidate to become Vice President of the United States of America.
Dusting off the 25th Amendment. Last week Nancy Pelosi stepped up to the microphone and started carrying on about steroids, how steroids are known to impact judgement, and since the President was given a powerful steroid to treat COVID-19, he might not have the mental capacity to safely discharge his duties as President of the United States. “Congress has a constitutional duty to lay out the process by which a president’s incapacity as the president of any party is determined,” Pelosi said. It is questionable whether Congress has any role in the execution of the 25th Amendment.
The 25th Amendment states that if a majority of Cabinet members, and the Vice President agree that the President is unable to carry out his duties, the Vice President is to immediately become acting President. But Pelosi says, “A president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts. This legislation applies to future presidents, but we are reminded of the necessity of action by the health of the current president.” Pelosi seems to think that somehow, she can have the President of the United States evaluated by psychiatrists to determine whether he is fit to serve. Imagine the havoc such an unconstitutional spectacle would cause if it was ever allowed to take place.
Pelosi’s 25th Amendment escapade has left many people scratching their heads. Nobody seriously believes that President Trump is going to be relieved of his duties by the Vice President and the majority of the President’s Cabinet. There is simply no cause for this action against the President. Some conservative pundits have speculated that this could be some sort of dry run, or stage setting exercise in preparation of a Biden presidency. Because even on the liberal side of the ticket, few people would bet that Biden will serve out his first term as President. His failing memory, confusion, and loss of time, space, and person awareness will be on full display. This is assuming that Biden’s cognitive abilities will continue to diminish over time.
If the Democratic Party leadership is behind the stage curtain planning for a Harris Presidency, they will not have to do anything other than to let nature take its course. Biden will say the wrong things at the wrong times. He will make mistakes and appear to be bumbling along. At first the liberal media will ignore the obvious while conservative talk show hosts will be thundering away. And soon thereafter, the news networks will be hearing from anonymous, senior White House officials about President Biden’s failing memory, confusion, and loss of time, space, and person awareness.
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