Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Abortion Loving States Owe Trump Hugs and Kisses


If you spend any time in cyberhell, then you know the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, now called X, is the dark and dingy back alley of political discourse. Users with anonymous handles and cartoon faces attack their opponents with clever responses such as “Your fuck’n stubid” only to be counterpunched with “It’s ‘you’re’ you skanky retard!” Back in the day you had to be in a truck stop toilet stall to gain such thoughtful insights.  

If you’re new to X, let me save you some time and energy. If your goal is to change hearts and minds, forget about it. I enter the fight every day because I believe I must do my part by responding to the propaganda the liberal press pumps out on behalf of the Biden / Harris regime, as well as the bullshit Democrats in Congress squirt out like Stacey Abrams the morning after gorging herself at Rodney Scott’s Whole Hog BBQ Atlanta location. I try to avoid responding to opposition other than politicians and the press. I have thousands of extreme COMA democrats blocked into what a call my X Hall of Shame. If you display pronouns, the Ukraine flag, any shit related to LGBTQ+++, a blue wave, or any other liberal flair in your profile and you weigh in on me, your anti-American ass is getting blocked like pronto.

For those of you dedicated to life, liberty, and justice, seeking to do your part to stand against the enormous liberal propaganda machine, here is a cold, hard fact. The Democrats are kicking Republican ass on X because they are unified with their messaging. Seldom do you read a post from a liberal congressional member without finding a similar post by 10 others. If one liberal is going off about taking away the most popular rifle in the country right now, they all come running like a pack of rats with posts of a similar, sinister sentiment. The DNC must email them talking points. I imagine they have a posterboard with all the COMA d-rat names on it with stars next to the names who post according to the DNC’s wishes. These communists oppressing middle America are in lockstep like good little comrades. They never go rogue.  

Meanwhile, fewer Republicans use X than Democrats, and those that do often do so ineffectively. Seldom is there any unity in the message. The GOP is all over the board! Those of us on the right side of life like to think we appreciate the freedom and wisdom which can come from independent thinkers, but that’s not how you sell policy or anything else. The Democrats sell lies on a daily basis. Joe Biden is the most dishonest, ruthless career politician to ever become President of the United States. He knows if he tells a lie a few times, with the amplification by the liberal press, his dull supporters will accept it as a truth. The lies they are all telling about the 50 different abortion laws in this country are a great example.

The conservative states that have passed restrictive abortion laws since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade have done so through their state representative governments. Those laws represent the will of the people represented who live and vote in those states. The same can be said about the liberal states who have actually expanded abortion access after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Yet on X, from Biden and Harris, on down the extreme COMA democrat line, the libs refer to the state laws restricting abortion as Trump’s abortion laws. What they fail to mention is the abortion laws in all 50 states today are the result of Roe v. Wade being overturned. President Trump did appoint the 3 conservative justices that resulted in Roe going down. That is undeniable. However, what did the ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson actually say?  It certainly didn’t outlaw abortion. This is obvious by the extreme and barbaric expansion of abortion access in states infested with d-rats.

In Dobbs v. Jackson, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion. The court’s decision overruled both Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), returning to individual states the power to regulate any aspect of abortion not protected by federal statutory law. It’s important to note that even in Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court ruled that the State does have an important and legitimate interest in preserving and protecting the health of the pregnant woman, whether she be a resident of the State or a nonresident who seeks medical consultation and treatment there, and that it has still another important and legitimate interest in protecting the potentiality of human life. 

The State does have a legitimate interest in protecting the potentiality of human life. Of course, it does and conservative states accept this interest and responsibility wholeheartedly.

Even in Roe, it was never “my body, my choice”. The Roe court ruled that up to the first trimester it was a woman’s “right” to have an abortion. But the closer the fetus got to the quickening, the quicker the woman’s right to privacy ends. This peculiar end to privacy after the first trimester led the current Supreme Court to correctly conclude that the Roe ruling was based on an illegitimate legal premise. It’s really that simple.

It is shameful to have a political party hanging it’s 2024 hopes and dreams on the ability to crush, puncture, shred and vacuum out fetuses from women’s wombs. There were over 1 million abortions in 2023 even with all of “Trump’s abortion laws”. Dear Lord how many would there have been without the restrictive states?

Don’t let the liberals get away with it! Don’t let them call South Carolina’s abortion law Trump’s without them giving Trump credit for California’s abortion law. Trump is either responsible for all 50 states abortion laws or none of them. Don’t let these extreme COMA democrats blame Trump for what they don’t like, but not give him credit for what they love. And they do love the liberal abortion laws in California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, and in every other blue state. Some of these states have expanded abortion access beyond what Roe v. Wade intended. These blue states owe Trump hugs and kisses for allowing them the freedom to be ungodly and inhumane.

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