Once the final votes are tallied, how do you really know that your voted was counted correctly? The truth is you don’t.
How do you know if your vote was counted correctly? How can you be certain your votes cast in the 2020 Presidential Election are accurately part of the final tabulations? If you voted in person at a voting machine, and chose to cast a straight party ticket, how do you know that the software in the machine accurately distributed your votes to the correct candidates? The truth is you do not know, and there is currently no way for you to verify that the candidates you voted for received your votes. And if there was a data base you could log into to find and verify your votes; you still wouldn’t be able to see if those votes of yours were part of the final vote totals. What is lacking in all 50 states is the transparency of a statewide database that shows all the votes cast in an election. In the age of big data, you’d think such information would be at all voter’s fingertips. So why isn’t it?
Bureaucrats and politicians will correctly point to privacy concerns as a primary reason why voter anonymity is paramount. With people attacking each other over political affiliations becoming the norm at any large gathering where opposing views are separated only by a thin blue line, proof as to how your neighbor voted would most likely prove deadly in some neighborhoods. This is a tragedy; a national disgrace. Freedom of thought. Freedom of affiliations. Freedom of speech. All are under attack and those doing the attacking are mostly found on the left. Under the banner of freedom these leftists burn the American Flag and denounce the United States. They seek to take away freedom and liberty in favor of socialism / communism. Allowing these domestic terrorists to have access to databases that identify how individuals voted would endanger many that lack the strength, hardware, and fortitude to make a stand and defend themselves and their property.
Yet while we all may agree that voter anonymity must be guarded at all cost, it should no longer be allowed to be deployed as a concealment buffer for corruption. Despite what the talking heads in their echo chambers are saying, voter fraud is real and has been so since the 1800’s. Given the opportunity, some people will try to steal elections. Only the dull believes 2020 was different. Votes were bought. Activists for democrat candidates were filling out mail in ballots for any unsuspecting and unfortunate soul they could find laying on the streets or in the shelters of Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and any other blue city that thought they might be able to procure enough votes to get Joe Biden into the White House. $20 is a cheap vote! And for the desperate, who the next President of the United States will be is of little concern. Elections are won – one vote at a time whether the vote is legitimate or not. If fraudulent or otherwise illegal paper ballot votes get past the purposefully weak checkpoints, they do become part of the final vote count.
Whether you voted in person, or filled out a mail-in ballot, your vote gets entered / fed into a vote tabulating machine. That machine is a computer. That computer runs on software. That software was created by a team of programmers and engineers. As is the case with all software programs, none are impenetrable. All have vulnerabilities. Each and every software program on the planet can be changed, edited, upgraded, and so forth. This is undeniable. We all know it. Hacks of highly secure databases are reported frequently. So why all the denial that the software and voting machines purchased by state governments on tight budgets are highly susceptible to fraud? Why are so many people running to the defense of the Dominion Voting System when any unbiased analysis abundantly demonstrates that like any other computer and software system, these voting machines are wrought with security weaknesses that make them targets for fraud?
Despite the fact that there is evidence supported by statistical probabilities, or more accurately, statistical improbabilities that the computation methodology in the vote tabulator machines changed in the wee hours of November 4, 2020 in at least 4 states, the so-called experts rushed to insist that no such event occurred because it’s impossible. What the American people got was bold statements from official sounding places saying there is nothing to see here so move along now. How can anyone doubt a Joint Statement from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees? They say “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”
It’s easy to hold onto a belief if you ignore all evidence to the contrary. But to say a murder wasn’t committed because you didn’t see the bullet leaving the gun is beyond denial. The anomalies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and elsewhere should not be ignored. Votes seemed to appear out of thin air for Joe Biden while votes for Donald Trump stalled. Was your vote part of what the republicans are now calling vote dumps? The democrats insist nothing out of the ordinary occurred. This is not true.
There is no precedent in the history of American presidential elections for what happened in the early hours of November 4th 2020 in Pennsylvania. With 64% of votes tallied, President Trump was leading by 682,664 votes. And then approximately 575,000 votes appeared in the count with an astonishing 571,000 votes placed for Joe Biden and 4,000 votes for Trump. The statistical probability of this occurring must be on par with winning the Mega Millions or Powerball lottery. Yet anybody that points to this event and the hundreds of other unscrupulous tactics and acts committed by the democrats during this 2020 presidential election is quickly labeled a conspiracy theorist and ridiculed. The leftists in the media keep peddling the expert opinion that nothing illegal has occurred – that Joe Biden won fair and square.
Not one of these experts has conducted a forensic investigation of the software or hardware used for vote tabulation. None of these experts have attempted to match voters with votes and votes with voters. And none of these experts want to admit this truth – they, nor anybody else can prove to me or you that once our vote was placed in their machines, it counted. They cannot show us who we voted for nor can they show that our vote was counted in the final count. Until there is a system for voters to access to verified their votes and see the votes within the final tabulation, until we all can count the votes ourselves to keep the system honest, voter fraud will continue. In the meantime, when you’re told your vote counts, ask for proof.
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