This trial is about self-defense and the use of deadly force. Nothing more. Nothing less. To require the judge, jury, prosecution, and defense to carry the burden of every bloviated banner seeking to raise funds and increase membership over this tragedy – two men are dead, two were severely injured (I’m including Jacob Blake here), and one is on trial for his life – is to meddle in justice in such a selfish and grotesque way. Regardless of the verdict, there are no winners here. The first movers that set the dominos in motion were Rusten Sheskey and Jacob Blake on August 23, 2020. The improbable probabilities that gathered Rittenhouse, Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz together three days later on August 25, 2020 should cause everyone to stop and consider the potential consequences of actions yet to be undertook.
I really didn’t want to write about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial because it has become everything it is not. This trial is not about racism, white supremacy, or when all else fails, the catchall construct called white privilege. It’s not about the 2nd Amendment, gun rights, former President Donald J. Trump, or the Republican Party. And this trial is certainly not about a 75-year-old Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge named Bruce Schroeder, who happens to be Wisconsin’s longest serving, active trial judge. This trial isn’t about any of the above, but you wouldn’t know that by watching cable news.
On August 23, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin police officer Rusten Sheskey shot Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man, in the back four times and the side three times. According to police reports, Blake was tasered by two officers, prior to the shooting, in an attempt to gain control of the suspect. Protesters took to the streets within hours of the Blake shooting. On August 24, 2020 protests erupted in Kenosha, reigniting calls to end police brutality. Protesters looted, set fire to vehicles and buildings, and vandalized public and private property alike. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers called up the National Guard to assist the local police in Kenosha.
Kyle Rittenhouse traveled from his home in Antioch, Illinois to Kenosha, Wisconsin, a 21-mile drive, on August 25, 2020. He testified that he went to Kenosha to protect property, and render first aid to people in need of it. As darkness engulfed Kenosha, chaos, violence, and mayhem took over what little peaceful protesting might have remained at dusk.
While attempting to put out fires, Rittenhouse was confronted by Rosenbaum, who was masked and carrying a chain. Ultimately, Rosembaum chased Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse testified he feared for his life and fired four shots, killing Rosenbaum. After shooting Rosenbaum, Rittenhouse testified that people were yelling “get his ass, get him, get him.” Rittenhouse ran and was chased by Anthony Huber. Huber struck Rittenhouse, who was laying on the ground, with a skateboard and attempted to seize Rittenhouse’s rifle. Rittenhouse fired once, killing Huber. Gaige Grosskreutz ran up towards Rittenhouse who was still laying on the ground. Grosskreutz had a handgun and testified that he pointed it at Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse fired at Grosskreutz – shattering Grosskreutz’s right elbow.
This trial is about self-defense and the use of deadly force. Nothing more. Nothing less. To require the judge, jury, prosecution, and defense to carry the burden of every bloviated banner seeking to raise funds and increase membership over this tragedy – two men are dead, two were severely injured (I’m including Jacob Blake here), and one is on trial for his life – is to meddle in justice in such a selfish and grotesque way. Regardless of the verdict, there are no winners here. The first movers that set the dominos in motion were Rusten Sheskey and Jacob Blake on August 23, 2020. The improbable probabilities that gathered Rittenhouse, Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz together three days later on August 25, 2020 should cause everyone to stop and consider the potential consequences of actions yet to be undertook.
But rather than discuss the lives damaged and lost, and how to really improve police interactions with the public, the liberal, left-wing media has turned to lunacy instead of decent discourse. Everyone is offended these days – no matter what – somebody will take offense about something somebody said. The liberals think we all need sensitivity training when what is really needed in this country is sensibility training. Sticks and stones used to break bones, but words, especially words coming from someone you do not know or respect, suddenly these words can crush fragile little hearts. Case in point: Asian food.
On November 11, 2021, while commenting on that day’s lunch delivery, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder, who has already been labeled a racist by the liberal media, confirmed suspicions of his hatred for people from the Far East when he delivering this karate chop insult to the throat of all Asians. Judge Schroeder said, “I hope the Asian food isn’t coming… isn’t on one of those boats from Long Beach Harbor.” The horror! Has this man no decency whatsoever? First, he prevents the prosecution from referring to those three white men who confronted that white, almost a man with an AR-15 rifle, as victims, making him of course racist, and now worrying out loud that his Asian food might be caught up on a slow boat from China! When will the Attorney General of the United States step in and put an end to this mockery of justice? Thank goodness they didn’t order Wienerschnitzel! Schroeder might have hoped out loud that it wasn’t being delivered on one of those Hindenburg-type airships.
John Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC was quick to get his organization some publicity by saying, “It harms our community and puts us in the crosshairs of micro aggressions as well as actual physical violence.” Seriously Mr. Yang? I question your sincerity because the judge’s comment lacks all of the sharpness and severity that you have now affixed to your organization’s banner. Chasing publicity like this diminishes your credibility when speaking about real prejudices and biases against the Asian community.
Don’t you know that just the day before, on Wednesday, November 10th, Judge Schroeder had the chutzpah to allow the world to discover that he’s tainted with Trump! With Trump for the love of God! The judge purposely forgot to turn down the volume of his January 6th supporting custom ringtone and conservative anthem “God Bless the USA”. Written in 1983 by singer / songwriter Lee Greenwood, “God Bless the USA” causes every liberal to slowly reach for their pepper spray whenever it is heard. Can you blame them? Just read these racist lyrics!
And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
I must admit, I’m having a hard time finding the racism in this song but it must be there because Trump likes it and so does Judge Schroeder. Although I wonder if there would be the same outrage if the judge’s ringtone was the Beyoncé version of “God Bless the USA” – a very moving and powerful, non-racist rendition of the song that she performed in 2011. Same lyrics. Different singer. Makes all the difference in the world. Just ask any of the race hustlers at CNN or MSNBC.
Judge Schroeder could really pickle the liberal noodles come Monday. He should change his ringtone to “YMCA” by the Village People and leave his ring volume way up! Not knowing what to do, the liberals will call him a “homophobe” for no good reason, just to be safe. It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.
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