Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Too Close to Call

If Trump wins, the radical left will burn their cities down while elected democrats excuse the criminal activity as the only outlet for the “justified” rage.

What will November 4, 2020 look like in the United States of America?  Will liberal hotbeds like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and Minneapolis be on fire?  Will New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and Chicago witness rioting and out-of-control violence?  If it is announced that President Donald J. Trump has been reelected, all hell will break loose in many cities across America.  In blue states with blue cities, inconsolable liberals will be overtaken by their boiling hatred for Trump.  Otherwise normal people will take to the streets and be absorbed by the multitude of wailing and gnashing teeth.  Bloodlust will quickly spread, driving the predisposed to the edge of homicidal / suicidal impulse.  God save the poor souls that may get pummeled or stomped to death by an irrational mob singling out victims as Trump supporters.

If Trump wins reelection, it is the swing states that could prove to be the bloodiest.  Democrat voters, overcome with grief and the need to commiserate with each other, will be met by groups like BLM and Antifa once they reach the town square.  Targeting Trump-supporting businesses and assumed to be Trump-supporting people with rocks, bricks, and bats, the scene will quickly explode into fire, pepper spray, knives, and even bullets.  Law enforcement will be overwhelmed by the number of people prepared for battle.  Unless they use deadly force, there is no chance they will be able control the environment.  And if a police officer does decide to use deadly force because he or she justifiably fears for his or her life, or the life of someone else, there is a chance that rather than sobering up the anti-Trump mob, it could unleash a wave of uncontrollable rage that leaves a few cops dead. 

And what will our country look like between Election Day and Inauguration Day if Trump wins reelection?  Flash back to January 21, 2017 when hundreds of thousands of women, many wearing pink colors, were joined by men in most every blue city in the United States, and stood in protest and solidarity in their opposition to the Trump presidency.  Now imagine January 21, 2021.  With the liberal media fanning the flames of rage by reporting unsubstantiated allegations, by anonymous sources, of voter suppression and fraud, sprinkled with suggestions that Russia and China meddled in our election to help Trump, the fires started on November 4, 2020 will still be burning hot.  Cities, particularly blue cities will be war-torn.  Smashed out glass, businesses stripped bare to the bone of merchandise, graffiti on top of graffiti, scores of gangs wandering the streets looking for anyone that might not cosign their insanity; it will all be rationalized and justified as Trump’s fault. 

Sadly, for Americans not inflamed with this same level of Trump hatred, getting about a normal routine is already very challenging.  As witnessed almost daily in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and Chicago, if you turn down the wrong street you may be attacked at an anarchist roadblock.  And the police are nowhere to be found.  You are on your own.  Yet if you use your vehicle to protect yourself and your occupants from the raging mob as they smash your windows with bats in an attempt to open your doors to drag you out and kick the shit out of you right there and then – if you run these militants over, the liberal mayor and the liberal governor is going to ensure that the liberal prosecutor’s office ignore your rights and charge you with numerous counts of attempted murder.  This is happening today in numerous cities in the United States.  If Trump wins reelection, expect to see this type of destruction and intimidation in many more cities. 

The truth is that unless it is a landslide victory for either Trump or Biden, neither side is going to accept the results.  If the American people have to wait weeks to find out which candidate won the election because there are states that have results which are too close to call, neither side is going to believe the results are legitimate once they are finally announced.  The liberal news media will be overtly pushing story after story suggesting fraud and suppression of the Biden votes, fueling the rioters and encouraging more and more destruction with the hope to sway the outcome in the left’s favor.

What should be expected if Biden wins?  If it’s an overwhelming victory for Biden, republicans and independent Trump supporters will be disappointed and sad.  President Trump will concede defeat.  He’ll have some fun as a lame-duck, outrage Pelosi and Schumer with some presidential pardons, and relish in the fact that as a non-politician he shocked the world in 2016 by being elected President of the United States.

What happens next is hard to predict. Most conservative, republican voters are not the glass breaking, rock throwing, fire starting, type.  Most likely a line will be drawn, and millions of Trump supporters will make a stand.  At that moment, the United States of America will be the closest its been to civil war since January 8, 1861. 

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