SC Politics Why is Congressman Joe Cunningham a Democrat? Ed Haas Sep 5, 2020 What they don’t mention is educating the public to avoid resisting arrest. Even if being arrested mistakenly, resisting arrest is…
2020 Elections Shady Joe Cunningham and his Green New Deal Ed Haas Aug 14, 2020 Shady Joe Cunningham voted in favor of taxpayers subsidizing Green New Deal initiatives. He supports $1 billion in credits…
SC Politics Cunningham Basks in Dark Money Shadows Ed Haas Mar 5, 2020 Call it hypocrisy, sanctimony, or just plain dirty pool – Cunningham has yet to publicly renounce the campaign ads that are…
SC Politics “That’s Joe” Misleading the Lowcountry Again Ed Haas Feb 9, 2020 Hurricane season has begun early this year in the 1st Congressional District of South Carolina. The voters along the east coast of…