Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Stacia Cardille – Suppressing, Censoring, and Suspending Conservative Content and Voices posted on Twitter

Add Stacia Cardille to the list of Twitter employees guilty of suppressing, censoring, and suspending conservative content and voices leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Cardille joins Vijaya Gadde, Yoel Roth, Jim Baker, Parag Agrawal, and Jack Dorsey as part of a Twitter team committed to preventing President Donald J. Trump from winning reelection. Like Jim Baker, Cardille worked within the federal government prior to joining Twitter. 

Cardille is currently the Director of Global Legislative Oversight || Alphabet Regulatory Response, Investigations & Strategy at Google  (Mountain View, CA).  Prior to joining Google, Cardille served as Director and Associate General Counsel of Global Policy Legal at Twitter  (San Francisco, CA). After three months at Twitter, Cardille was promoted to Senior Director and Associate General Counsel.

This sync was an editorial alliance, giving elements within the federal government editorial influence that resulted in the suppression of 1st Amendment Rights.

E.F. Haas

Cardille served as Associate Counsel to President Obama at the White House. She served as Counsel, Deputy Counsel, and Chief Counsel for the Democratic Staff at the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives.

Cardille earned her Doctor of Law (J.D.) at Georgetown University Law Center.  She earned her Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) at The Catholic University of America.

In a recent episode of the Twitter Files, an email from Stacia Cardille to Jim Baker (former General Counsel for the FBI), stood out in its depth and scope. Cardille provided Baker with a bullet point summary of the “elections-related work” she completed on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

Cardille speaks of a “Government-Industry Sync” to start. “I participated in our monthly (soon to be weekly) 90-minute meeting with FBI, DOJ, DHS, ODNI, and industry peers on election threats,” wrote Cardille.  It is assumed that Cardille is referring to social media when she speaks of the “Industry”. News media could also be included.  This unholy alliance, this Government-Industry Sync demands legislated or judicial separation, much like the separation of church and state.

This is beyond instances when the FBI, CIA, DHS, or DoD warn a news media outlet of potential national security risks if certain information the news outlet had obtained were to be made public. This sync was an editorial alliance, giving elements within the federal government editorial influence that resulted in the suppression of 1st Amendment Rights. This sync also directly, and intentionally interfered with the 2020 election, to the benefit of then presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Further along in Cardille’s “Election Work” summary: “I asked if USG was tracking foreign threats related to non-presidential races. Long silence. The government is not tracking foreign interference of threats related to down ballot races.” This is a stunning revelation which fortifies the belief that the USG (United States Government) was spoon-feeding “threats”, real or otherwise, to social media platforms to create urgency and execution to err on the side of caution rather than allow pro-Trump actors around the world to “steal” another election for Donald J. Trump. Cardille asked a great question. If only she would have recognized by the USG’s response that this effort to be in sync was solely to defeat President Trump. The USG had no interest in down ballots because there was not a real threat. The only threat to the presidential election was if the truth about Joe Biden was allowed to be made public.

Enter the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The circle of liberal censorship is completed when Cardille writes, “Solicited additional information from Yoel on product functionality and limitations around retweeting labeled content so we can explain to DNC.” This unholy alliance should be referred to as the Government–Industry–DNC Sync.  “Labeled content” is content behind a warning of “sensitive material”.  When it came to political content, it was almost exclusively content harmful to liberalism and Joe Biden that became “labeled content”. Apparently, the DNC had a problem with this “sensitive content” because Twitter users were still able to retweet it. And to think that they were all in sync!  The DNC, social media, most news networks, along with the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS, ODNI, etc. all worked together to warp the minds of voters enough to install Joe Biden into the White House.

The 118th United States Congress convenes on January 3, 2023.  If GOP leadership on every oversight committee within the House of Representatives doesn’t smash through all the Democrat imposed obstacles, and trample their objections, the base of the Republican Party will be crushed. The GOP needs to rampage in 2023 with an anger and intolerance seldom displayed on the “right” side of the House chamber.

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