According to its website, Justice Democrats is a federal political action committee. As a PAC, it accepts donations and spends money toward electing federal candidates that are in support of what the Justice Democrats call the Platform for Justice.
In 2018, the Justice Democrats assisted in seven, socialist-minded candidates getting elected or re-elected to the U.S. Congress. These Justice Democrat incumbents – Raúl Grijalva [AZ-03], Ro Khanna [CA-17], Ayanna Pressley [MA-07], Rashida Tlaib [MI-13], Ilhan Omar [MN-05], Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [NY-14], and Pramila Jayapal [WA-07] represent the first wave of socialists seated in the United States House of Representatives.
The goal of the Justice Democrats is to get as many socialists elected as required to establish an effective caucus to influence / pressure moderate Democrats into voting for laws that will slowly destroy capitalism in the United States of America. For the 2020 elections, Justice Democrats tout eight additional candidates – seven for the House of Representatives and one U.S. Senate candidate. It should be anticipated that a few more Justice Democrats challengers will be added to the list before 2020. Generally, all these incumbents and challengers share the same socialism ideology.
Of the incumbents, Congresswomen Rashida Tliab and Ilhan Omar are facing push-back from moderate Democrats, many Independents, and virtually all Republicans and Libertarians, for their positions on Israel. It should not be surprising if both Tliab and Omar lose their congressional seats in 2020. Many groups are calling for an investigation into Omar’s previous marriages and current relationship status in additional to allegations of tax fraud. These stubborn stories about Omar appear to be gaining traction slowly. Omar isn’t helping herself with her terse responses when questioned by reporters about whether she married her brother to help get him into the United States.
While the Justice Democrats may lose a few incumbents in 2020, and a few of their challengers may lose too, early polling suggests that they will experience a net gain this coming election. For all Americans that fear socialism and favor freedom and capitalism, this should serve as a call for action. To thwart the socialist agenda, the Justice Democrats must be met with a counterattack that equals in organization, communication, fund-raising, and recruitment. Like the Moral Majority and the Tea Party Movement of the past, conservatives have risen to the defense of liberty and free markets before. However, the United States was not under such a direct assault, with capitalism as the primary target, when the Moral Majority and Tea Party were wielding influential power.
They call themselves Democratic Socialists but there is little democracy in their scheme. The ultimate goal of the Justice Democrats is to transform the U.S. economy, and reclaim lost capital. It must be noted that if the economy of the United States is transformed, then the world economy must be transformed.
What exactly do the Justice Democrats mean when they say they need to reclaim lost capital and put money back in the pockets of hard-working Americans? What is “lost capital”? And how often does money confiscated by the federal government find its way back in the pockets of hard-working Americans? Before considering “lost capital”, the list of FREE STUFF the Justice Democrats advocate is impressive when the cost is ignored.
Green New Deal – eliminate all fossil fuel consumption, develop 100% natural energy sources – all workers share equally in profit [This sure sounds state-owned energy!]
Livable wage tied to inflation [minimum wage tied to inflation is not a bad idea however a livable wage is different from city to city and state to state.]
Federal Jobs Guarantee – guaranteed wages and benefits for all public workers [everyone who want a government job gets one regardless of need or skill set]
Medicare for All – eliminate private insurance, federal government will administer healthcare for everyone. [This alone will bankrupt the nation. Hospitals will no longer be privately owned. They will have to be seized by the federal government to maintain operations. Competition will be eliminated. Innovation will be stunted.]
Free Public College and Trade School – [This is a feel good promise that will either bankrupt higher education institutions or the federal government. Most likely, universities will close and the federal government will have to seize the rest to keep the doors open. The valve of certificates and degrees will diminish proportionately to the drop in the quality of education delivered by these government run indoctrination centers.]
In summary, Justice Democrats envision a country where a job that pays a livable wage with full benefits is guaranteed to all people by the federal government. Public schools, from kindergarten through college, will be paid for by the federal government. Healthcare will also be paid for by the federal government. The federal government will provide everything a person will need to survive – healthcare, education, employment, and security.
How can taxpayers possibly pay for all these programs? The private assets and property of capitalists will need to be seized and converted into public assets. Prior to such nationalization of private assets, many successful business inventors, investors, and entrepreneurs will move trillions of dollars out of the United States and into safe havens. Businesses will fold. Choices for consumers will become few and prices will skyrocket.
The Justice Democrats believe they can raise taxes on the rich up to 60, 70, or even 80% and there will be no consequences. When the socialists speak of reclaiming lost capital what they mean is to confiscate accumulated wealth, whether through obscene taxation or nationalization of private assets. They claim this money will then find its way into the pockets of hard-working Americans – but it will not because it cannot. All the money confiscated will be needed to prop up crumbling institutions and state-run businesses.
Soon thereafter the federal government will need to print trillions more dollars to sustain the fraud perpetrated on the American people by the members of the U.S. Congress that got elected with the support of the Justice Democrats. Hyperinflation will follow, driving the value of the dollar down to the point of being recognized as mostly worthless.
The United States of America is not a homogeneous society…a primary reason why socialism or communism will never peacefully become the economic system of choice in this country. The utopia socialism the Justice Democrats hope to establish under the veil of climate change will not usher in a new era of prosperity and equality. It will destroy the country.
None dare call it treason…but it is, and it must be stopped.
Note: Ed Haas contacted Justice Democrats and asked them to explain exactly what they mean by “reclaim lost capital”. No response was received.
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