On Monday, Rep. Joaquin Castro singled out and tweeted a list of 44 San Antonio residents who had made the maximum allowable donations to President Trump’s reelection campaign. Castro avoided publishing the names of any Hispanic donors. This appears purposeful. Names like Vera, Vega, and Rodriquez are found on the Federal Election Commission data base as Trump donors that list a San Antonio zip code. Perhaps Castro’s staffers found that no common Hispanic last name made the maximum allowable donation, so they went the route of listing the names of only maximum allowable donors because those names sound white.
Castro said it was “sad to see” these San Antonio based campaign contributions “fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders.” To fuel Castro’s political indignation posturing, Hispanic names could not be on his target list. Only most likely white sounding last names could be on the radical Castro list.
The blowback from Republicans was swift, as it should be after such a careless, incendiary act. But rather than be honest about his intent, Castro is playing dumb, with the liberal media playing along.
Some of the names Castro put on his hit list are Beck, Grundhoefer, and Kennedy. The last names on the list are most often assumed to be European last names. However, some of those donors could be African-American – an unattended consequence for sure because the intent was to identify white people that live in San Antonio that made the maximum allowed donation to the President Trump campaign.
Singling out a group of people, based on their race, with the hope that they are harassed, shamed, or injured is racism. The only reasonable conclusion that can be reached is that Castro is a racist. He blew his whistle. He wants the pitch forks and torches crowd to harass and harm these most-likely white donors because they are presumably white donors.
No doubt, Castro will deny it. Deny it. Deny it. The liberal media will never ask him why no Hispanic donors where on his list or why he decided to only single out donors with last names that are most likely the last names of white Trump supporters.
The Democrats have gone over the cliff with this type of dangerous rhetoric. The leftists have solidified their belief that if you are white and voted for Donald J. Trump, you are a racist, white nationalist, and / or white supremacist. What they have lost sight of is how quickly the circle is complete when making broad sweeping condemnations of tens of millions of people based on race, sex, religion, or political affiliation.
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