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Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Democrats Say the Darndest Things – Tiffany Cross Edition

MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross calls Justice Amy Coney Barrett an “actual handmaid”

In this edition of Democrats Say the Darndest Things, MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross proves once again how far the liberal media will go to out crazy each other. Cross took it to a Joy Reid level this past Saturday on MSNBC’s The Cross Connection. What a clever name for her show – The Cross Connection. That sounds like a four-week series at the local church. If only The Cross Connection was that righteous! It’s anything but, rest assured. 

Apparently, Tiffany Cross had herself all fired up over Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett not disrobing and jumping the bench as she’s singing Helen Reddy’s I am Woman Hear Me Roar and voting YES for the fellow Supremes to hear a challenge to a Texas law that basically grants standing for any person or organization to sue any person that assists, or performs an abortion after a heartbeat is detected in the womb. 

Because Justice Amy Coney Barrett voted NO to hearing the challenge to the Texas law, Tiffany Cross couldn’t hold her tongue long enough for her brain to catch up, calling Justice Amy Coney Barrett an “actual handmaid”.  Let’s examine, shall we? I asked the renowned Internet factcheckers to help me out with breaking Cross’s slur down, but they all declined, sighting the avalanche of work they now have trying to decipher and spin the Biden Administration dribble drabble as ‘mostly true’.

A quick search of Al Gore’s invention returns a few useful definitions of handmaid – a female helper or servant; something that is subservient or subordinate to another – a woman attendant or servant – biblically speaking a handmaid would be a female slave. Are Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Hagan handmaids also? Are the three women justices that sit on the highest court in the land female servants, attendants, or even slaves to men, or is it just Amy Coney Barrett? Did the Brett Kavanaugh hearings turn “I like beer” Brett into the actual mythical monster he was not? Have Sonia, Elena, and Amy been tricked into a den of wickedness and transgression? Or is it only Amy because she’s the prettiest? Regardless of any political spell you might be under, as Americans we have a duty to do something about this atrocity now! 

Or, maybe Tiffany is just plain nuts. After all, according to the U.S. Supreme Court website, Amy Coney Barrett received a B.A. from Rhodes College in 1994 and a J.D. from Notre Dame Law School in 1997. She served as a law clerk for Judge Laurence H. Silberman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1997 to 1998, and for Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court of the United States during the 1998 Term. After two years in private law practice in Washington, D.C., she became a law professor, joining the faculty of Notre Dame Law School in 2002. She was appointed a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 2017.

With a resume like this, when would Justice Amy Comey Barrett find time to be a man servant? Beyond that, it’s an undeniable fact that she is an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. No honest handmaid would ever accept such a lofty post. It would take too much time away from serving, attending to, and slaving away for the man.

Speaking of the man, President Donald J. Trump nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and she took her seat on October 27, 2020. And that’s all we really need to know to understand why Tiffany Cross made such a disrespectful, maybe race motivated due to an unconscious bias, idiotic statement about a 5-4 vote to not hear this first, of what surely will be followed by many challenges to the latest Texas law pertaining to abortions performed in the Lone Star State. If ever there is a man that can control the minds of the liberals, it is Donald J. Trump. If there’s a Trump connection, the crazy committee between a democrat’s ears takes control of their mouths, and then those democrats cannot help themselves. Like Tiffany Cross has so kindly demonstrated for us, they will say the darndest things.

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