Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Biden DOJ is Corrupt – Just Look at the Criminal Charges Hunter has Avoided

The lying liberals are parading about with their asses hanging out, proclaiming to the world how proud they are of our impartial and righteous justice system in America. “There’s no two-tier justice system in the United States” they shout. “There’s no ‘lawfare’ in this country.” “Trump has not been maliciously prosecuted. He’s a convicted felon don’t you know.” The shit flowing out of the sewers beneath their snot lockers is contaminated with so much trickery and deceit. They are full of shit in every way.

“But look” they say as they point their hooves at Hunter Biden’s criminal trial. “The President’s own son is facing 3 felony charges. How can anyone say the DOJ is protecting the Biden family when Joe’s only surviving son is on trial for lying on a federal background check form and illegally obtaining a firearm?” It’s quite easy. It’s not what Hunter Biden has been charged with that shows how corrupt Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice is. It’s what Hunter Biden has not been charged with that demonstrates how absolutely corrupt the DOJ has become under Garland.  

The evidence of hundreds of sex crimes committed by Hunter Biden is such low hanging fruit that even a rookie prosecutor could gain a conviction in a bench trial. His drug-related crimes are as numerous as his sex crimes. The evidence against him is so overwhelming because he documented it himself on his phone and laptop. It is extraordinary how incriminating the Hunter Biden data is while being ignored by state Attorney Generals as well as the Department of Justice. It’s reeks of corruption, a two-tiered justice system, and a blatant disregard for the rule of law and equal justice in the United States. The truth is Hunter Biden should be facing decades in prison. Actually, he should have long since been convicted and imprisoned.

There is no better catalog of the criminal debauchery committed by Hunter Biden than the work done by the research group Marco Polo. According to the extensive investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, there are, at the very least, 459 documented violations of state & federal laws & regulations on the infamous device.

It is impossible to look at all the images of Hunter Biden with drugs and prostitutes, all the bank records of payments made by Hunter Biden to engage in criminal activities, many of them felonies, and not see how the current trial is a bullshit smoke screen aimed at justification by the democrats to continue with their malicious prosecutions of the former President Donald J. Trump. Hunter might even do a week or two in jail to make it all look like nobody is above the law when in fact, Hunter Biden is above the law.

Merrick Garland is quick to point out that Hunter Biden is still under investigation and the DOJ does not comment on ongoing investigations. He thinks the American people are stupid! The reason Hunter Biden is “still under investigation” is so the DOJ has an excuse for not commenting on why Hunter Biden hasn’t been charged with even half the felonies the evidence shows he committed.

After you study the documentation at Marco Polo covering Hunter Biden’s sex-related crimes and drug-related crimes, if you still believe his gun charges are evidence of equal justice in this country, then my friend you are part of the herd I referenced in the first two paragraphs. You too are full of shit.

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