Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

A Border Czar by Any Other Name

On March 24, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he selected Vice President Kamala Harris to assume a leading role in responding to the surge of illegal border crossings along the U.S. – Mexico border. Biden made the announcement in response to criticism from Republicans as illegal border crossings and the number of unaccompanied children at the southern border exploded after Biden reversed President Trump’s immigration policies on Day 1 of his administration.

Today Democrats along with their allies in the liberal press are attempting to erase and rewrite history. They know the millions of foreigners of unknown origin and intent allowed to walk across the southern border pose a real threat to Americans across the country. The Democrats know “illegal immigration” is a top priority for voters this election. The Biden / Harris border debacle is one of the many reasons, if not the primary reason, why Biden would have likely lost to Trump in November. This contributed to the Democratic Party decision to convince Joe Biden to drop out of the race.

All this political scheming and maneuvering is for not if the border baggage gets tied around the neck of Kamala Harris. The more Republicans and conservatives in the press remind voters about Harris’s failure to do the job she was assigned, to respond to the surge of migrants crossing the southern border, the more frantically the Democrats do what they do best – deny, deceive, deflect.

Democrats are denying that President Biden ever made Kamala Harris his “border czar”. Call it whatever you must but Harris was assigned by her boss, the President of the United States Joe Biden, to take a leading role in the administration’s response to the crisis along the southern border. Harris was assigned this job on March 24, 2021. It is a matter of public record. How did Harris respond to her new assignment? She said, “Needless to say, the work will not be easy. But it is important work.”

It’s interesting to note that Joe Biden’s first Border Czar, Roberta Jacobson, announced her resignation soon after Biden assigned Harris to the “leading role” tasked to develop a response to the border crisis along the southern border. Jacobson’s last day as the Biden Border Czar was April 30, 2021. Who replaced Roberta Jacobson as Border Czar? No true-blue liberal will admit it today but deep down inside they know the truth. It was their anointed one, Kamala Harris.

A border czar by any other name is still a border czar, regardless of how bizarre it is to refer to anyone in charge of anything governmental in the United States as a “czar”. And make no mistake about it. Kamala Harris was tasked in March 2021 with developing a response to the border crisis along the southern border of the United States. How did Harris respond? 

The numbers do not lie. Kamala Harris’s response, or lack of response, allowed for 11 to 15 million foreigners from around the world to enter the United States illegally, and to stay. These people have not been properly vetted. Some are murderers. Some are rapists. Some are terrorists. Some are enemy combatants.

Some are voters who will cast votes for Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential election.

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  1. Goober Pyle says

    On March 24, 2021
    Wow what a difference 3 years can make. Remember Kamala’s words, elections have consequences.

  2. Ed Haas says


  3. Bill Stich says

    All good reporting but irrelevant as soon as Trump killed the border deal.

    Trump dropped the right bower on the game.

    The future president is going to bludgeon the the former for that foolish move.

  4. Rich m says

    “Biden asked Harris to lead diplomatic efforts to reduce poverty, violence and corruption in Central America’s Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, as well as engage with Mexico on the issue.”
    — The department of Homeland Security covers the crossings(ie Supply Side); She was tasked to handle the demand side, ie they want freedom and jobs… if they had those in their own countries, maybe they might not want to come here. That was her task. She was never a border czar.

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