Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Wide Awake at the Southern Border

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, in March 2019 agents apprehended 92,607 individuals along the southwest border of the United States.  This is the highest monthly total in twelve years. 

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost reports that over 361,000 apprehensions have been made at the southwest border in the first half of fiscal year 2019 – more than double the apprehensions during the same timeframe last year and exceeding the entire 2017 fiscal year.

The U.S. Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch indicates that in the RGV alone, the Border Patrol has encounter aliens from 50 different countries.  Sector Chief Karish has observed that people from across the hemispheres are using the same pathways to attempt to illegally enter the United States as Central Americans. 

The overwhelming majority of democrats, and all democratic socialists, maintain that no more ‘border wall’ is needed at the southern border.  They say that the nearly 100,000 aliens that attempted to enter the United States illegally last month did so because of our failed immigration laws.  In the liberal mindset, if laws are failed, then it’s acceptable for people to violate those laws.  It’s pure insanity!  The liberals don’t want walls on the border.  They would much prefer turnstiles every ten feet!  While Mexico issues transient visas at its southern border to any person that says he or she is heading to the United States, regardless of country of origin, the liberals and leftists in the U.S. Congress want to greet these caravans with welcome bags and immediate, uncensored admission into the country.

Cleverly, the left has advanced with great success, the narrative that anyone who opposes illegal immigration into the United States is not only a nationalist, but a scary white nationalist!  Liberal propaganda has even provided extensive opinion segments and articles to belittle the dictionary definition of nationalist and nationalism to focus rather on what the word has implied at various points in world history.  They truly are people that insist the ‘writing on the wall’ must be a forgery – but only if and when they disagree with what is written! 

It should come as no surprise that liberals are proclaiming that the Grand Old Party has become the white nationalist party.  They don’t mean this in a good way either.  The Democratic Party wants every non-white in this country to believe that a vote for a Republican in the 2020 election is a vote for pure evil, unadulterated racism. Amazingly, in their blind ambition to win back the White House, the Democratic Party is weaving a new basket for the 2020 deplorable.  They have already forgotten that the deplorable do not vote for the party that calls them deplorable. 

Here are some truths that should be self-evident.  You can be a nationalist that puts the interests of the United States first, and white, without being a white nationalist as defined by the left.  You can support legal immigration wholeheartedly, while vehemently opposing illegal immigration. You can also be a nationalist of any shade – without being a white nationalist.  The left is so confused – everyone is a white nationalist, if he or she opposes illegal immigration, regardless of skin color. 

You can also demand that the asylum laws change so that any person that wishes to seek asylum in the United States must do so by knocking on a door at a border crossing rather than scurrying under, through, or over a fence or wall.  You can do so without being a racist while being called a racist, by a likely racist.  You can better define the politics surrounding the southern border as between patriots & veiled traitors than between whites and browns.  You can be a Wide Awake. 

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