Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

The Accusers Stand Accused

On July 12, 2019 the House Oversight Committee held a hearing titled: The Trump Administration’s Child Separation Policy: Substantiated Allegations of Mistreatment. The witness testimony was what you would expect from the Democrats, without exception. Facts that mitigate, but do not excuse, the conditions inside some of the most overcrowded detention centers were, for the most part, ignored.  Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) allowed witnesses like Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) to deliver their theatrical, teary-eyed versions of the truth, without any thoughtful consideration towards the invasion of migrants that have overwhelmed the southern border.  The United States simply does not have the assets or infrastructure in place to handle over one hundred thousand people entering our country illegally each month.

 Congresswoman Pressley (D-MA) testified that families are being robbed of their liberty, legal rights, and dignity.  What she failed to mention was that the liberty lost was the result of entering the United States illegally.  The adults in detention chose to enter the United States illegally with children.  The overcrowding, due to the huge influx of migrants, has certainly slowed down the process of interviewing and documenting the illegal immigrants, but legal rights are not being denied.  It’s interesting to note that Pressley has not been outspoken about the families in her 7th Congressional District – families that have been robbed of their liberty due to excessive taxation in liberal Massachusetts.  She hasn’t mentioned the lost dignity of all the homeless people in her district, and the legal rights of the poor – people that seldom get a fair shake in district courts.  Many people in the 7th Congressional District of Massachusetts must be wondering if their congresswoman understands who it is that she is to be representing. 

 Congresswoman Tlaib (D-MI), through sniffles and tears, testified that a Guatemalan girl, seven years old, died of sepsis while in a U.S. Detention Center.  No doubt, anytime a child dies from an illness, it makes little sense and is heart wrenching.  Tlaib’s grief appeared to be authentic.  Was this girl’s death the fault of the Trump Administration?  Tlaib says yes.  But what if the adults that brought the girl across the border illegally, had not?  Would she still be alive?  Again, with the tsunami wave of immigrants pouring over the southern border, is it possible that the U.S. Border Patrol is simply not able to properly evaluate the medical needs of all those people held in detention?  It’s interesting to note that Tlaib did not mention any of the children that died in Michigan’s 13th congressional district since she has been elected.  She made no mention of the homeless children in her district that have died on the dirty streets of Detroit from drug overdoses.  No mention was made of the mother’s grief in her district after a young boy was shot to death. Many people in the 13th Congressional District of Michigan must be wondering if their congresswoman understands who it is that she is to be representing. 

Never to be outdone, Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez dropped the full dramatic diatribe.  She blames President Trump for a woman having canker sores in her mouth.  She blames Trump for the lack of nutritional food in detention centers.  This may or may not be true.  She blames Trump for people sleeping on floors in detention centers.  She ignores the fact that Americans are sleeping on floors in county jails across this country due to overcrowding conditions – just like in the detention centers.  Note that most people know that if you don’t want to sleep on a concrete floor, or cold steel bunk, don’t get locked up in county jail.  This logic is lost on Ocasio-Cortez.  If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. 

 Ocasio-Cortez also expressed her outrage about children separated from their parents, and women being called names.  Again, this is happening in her district as well as in ever county jail and prison across the United States.  What New York’s 14th congressional district representative failed to mention is all the women and children sleeping on the streets of her district.  She made no reference to the people in her district that are lacking nutritional food.  She failed to mention all the violent crimes occurring in her district.  She failed to mention the pain and suffering some of her constituents are enduring every single day.  Many people in the 14th Congressional District of New York must be wondering if their congresswoman understands who it is that she is to be representing. 

 What these three congresswomen will never admit, but it is absolutely true.  If Hilary Clinton had been elected President, and she kept the Obama policy of locking up children, separate from adults, when arrested on the border, We the People would not be hearing a single negative comment from Ocasio-Cortez, Tliab, or Pressley. 

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