Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Harris Supports “Government” Walking Into your Home to Check if you’re being Responsible


Speaking at a May 2007 San Francisco Anti-Gun Legislation press conference with then Mayor Gavin Newsom, District Attorney Kamala Harris said, “We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

Having such disregard for the Bill of Rights is as shocking as it is appalling. Harris has always had open contempt for the Second Amendment and an armed citizenry. In recent years her willingness to push aside the First Amendment has become apparent with her calls to abridge (reduce, constrict) the freedom of speech. The recently surfaced video clip of Harris saying in part “the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home” proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Harris has no regard whatsoever for the Fourth Amendment either.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

To have an attorney who believes the government has the right to violate the “sanctity of your locked home” (Kamala Harris’s words. Not mine.) without a warrant is concerning. To have a District Attorney of a major city in the United States (San Francisco) to announce that the “sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home” is alarming. To have the Attorney General of the most populated state in the country (California) believe the government has the right to walk into your home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe is chilling.

To have a U.S. Senator who doesn’t wholeheartedly support the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects from government intrusion is awful. To have a sitting Vice President who believes warrantless searches of private residences “to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs” isn’t just unreasonable. It is infuriating!

To have a presidential candidate who is leading in most polls less than six weeks away from Election Day, who once proclaimed “just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs”, is beyond demoralizing.

To have a presidential candidate who is leading in most polls less than six weeks away from Election Day, who has blatant distain for her repeated oath of the offices she has held over her career, who has no regard for the rights of the people when those rights get in her way, should be disqualifying. Not only is Kamala Harris a real threat to the constitutional republic and individual liberty and freedom, but she’s also the only presidential candidate who is a direct domestic threat to what made America great in the first place – the Bill of Rights and our individual liberty and freedom.

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