Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

VOTING – One of the Major Differences between American Citizens and non-citizens

Why would any American be opposed to laws requiring voters to produce a valid and current identification card containing a photograph when they present themselves to vote? How could any American seriously argue that such laws are somehow discriminatory and designed to purposely suppress minority voters? Laws requiring voters to show photo identification before voting are designed to minimize the risk of voter fraud. The fact that some Americans, regardless of race, may experience more difficulty obtaining a government issued photo ID card than others doesn’t automatically make the law discriminatory. A potential voter living next door to the DMV has less of a burden getting to the DMV than the potential voter living twenty miles away. We could spend eternity dissecting all the thousands of variables to determine who is burdened the most by having to get a photo ID to vote.

Most Democrats oppose voter ID laws while most Republicans support them. Democrats become almost frantic describing what will happen if voter ID laws are passed. They use deception and scare tactics in the hope of gaining votes. They tell “people of color” that white Republicans are trying to take away their vote. Democrats often compare voter ID laws to Jim Crow laws. It’s absurd.

In the coming weeks there’s going to be a renewed voter ID debate with all the name-calling and strange imaginings the Democrats have made infamous over the years. See there’s a kick-the-can-down-the-road budget vote coming up and hardliners within the GOP expect Speaker Johnson to anchor Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy’s SAVE Act to the vote on any spending continual resolution. Speaker Johnson knows a government shutdown will be blamed on Republicans and therefore help Vice President Kamala Harris defeat former President Donald Trump come November. Johnson will have to navigate the opposition the Democrats will mount against anything other than a clean continual resolution while finding enough votes from his own party to prevent a shutdown. I expect, as usual, that the Republicans will cave to the pressure and allow the Democrats to have their way yet again.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act would require documentary proof of United States citizenship for any person to register to vote anywhere in the United States. Democrats oppose the SAVE Act claiming it’s already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. What the liberal Democrats ignore is there are thousands of actions which are illegal, yet millions of people still take those actions every day. It’s illegal to be in this country illegally, yet millions of people are here illegally. If a person is in the United States illegally, it is possible for him or her to vote illegally, especially in states that issue driver’s licenses to noncitizens and register people to vote when they obtain driver’s licenses.

For many liberal Democrats, noncitizens voting in our elections is of little concern. Some openly support it. Their support would vanish in a blink of an eye if noncitizens allied with Republicans. Honest people know this to be true. The same can be said then about some Republicans. If the GOP knew the majority of people in this country illegally would vote for Republican candidates, we’d hear many speeches about how these people living in the country illegally deserve to have representation in Congress like the rest of us. When the race is on, too often politics pollute principles.

Here’s the problem with noncitizens voting. And it should be seen as a problem for the nation. It’s not a democratic or republican problem. Noncitizens voting is an American problem. Noncitizens have not been properly assimilated into American culture or history. Noncitizens lack an understanding and connection to our founding documents. Noncitizens lack American patriotism and loyalty to our country. Many noncitizens come from oppressive countries. Some are from socialist or communist countries. Without the proper assimilation required to become a U.S. citizen, these noncitizens could more comfortably support policies and candidates who are in opposition to the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, this is exactly why many Democrats would rather turn a blind eye towards noncitizens voting.

If you support socialism or communism over a capitalistic constitutional republic, then allowing noncitizens to vote is a great part of the plan. For the rest of us, we still believe the founding fathers got it right. Unfortunately, we’ve been letting it slip away ever since.

When it comes to state voter ID laws, the Democrats make false claims about what “will happen” while ignoring what “has not happened” in the states that already have voter ID laws. As of April 2024, thirty-five states require some form of identification to vote. In South Carolina, lawmakers passed a voter ID law which took effect on January 1, 2013. The law states, “When a person presents himself to vote, he shall produce a valid and current: (1) South Carolina driver’s license; or (2) other form of identification containing a photograph issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.” South Carolina also accepts a photo voter registration card, U.S. passport, or a U.S. military, or veterans ID.

Are some South Carolina voters being denied access to the ballot box? Are hardships being placed on certain South Carolinians to suppress their votes? During the 2020 presidential election there were 3,513,225 registered voters in South Carolina. 2,533,010 voted in the presidential election. That’s a 72.1% participation rate. The percentage of black voter participation in South Carolina is comparable to or exceeds national turnout averages. Black voters make up 26% of the South Carolina voter population. Black voters get out and vote just like everyone else!  It’s insulting to suggest something that’s as simple as getting a state-issued photo identification card would stand in their way.

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