Ed Haas | efhaas.com
Conservative Political News, Commentary, and Analysis by Ed Haas. Sometimes abrasive out of necessity.

Kamala Harris, Free Stuff, Inflation, and Debt

It’s free stuff for the undeserving season again and just wow!  Kamala Harris wants to give special Americans $25,000 towards the down payment on their first house. Isn’t that nice? If elected, Harris wants to continue with the transfer of private student loan debt to the public national debt. Isn’t she kind? She’s going to lower food prices by creating a convoluted computation methodology to determine if grocery chains are price gouging the customers. If found to be price gouging, the Harris Administration will steal, I mean fine the guilty corporations until they learn to stop being so greedy. It’s very Robin Hoodish of Harris don’t you think?

What could go wrong with the federal government determining what’s a reasonable profit for a grocery store to gain on the products it sells? Most likely bare shelves and shuttered locations…but not right away so don’t you worry about that today. Seize the moment! So what if the government sets profit margins that make certain foods not worth the shelf space they’re taken up. If the store is losing 1% on every item, maybe they can make up the loss in volume. Those liberals and their new math make almost anything possible. I mean just the other day Joe Biden said he’s built 500,000 charging stations for electric vehicles. Actually, it’s 7 charging stations that have been built but you see what I mean. 500,000 could be equal to 7 or vice versa. Who knows. Let the brains of the operation, Kamala Harris, do the counting.

Kamala Harris also wants to pay billions of taxpayer dollars to build communes, I mean communities of affordable housing for her most loyal subjects. I know building houses is a function of the federal government, along with free cheese and price fixing, I just can’t find it anywhere in the Constitution. Neither can the Democrats. But just knowing it’s in the U.S. Constitution is enough. You don’t need to be able to see it, or read it, to know it’s in there. It’s in there. You can trust Kamala Harris. No matter that she’s been lying to you about Joe Biden’s cognitive health for years. You can trust her now. Trust me.

Seriously though, it’s obscene how the federal government picks winners and losers while using taxpayer dollars. The federal government today, with it’s 630 departments, councils, agencies, commissions, bureaus, administrations, and so on, approximately 400 of which have regulatory powers [let that marinate your brain for a while], has no resemblance to the original constitutional intention for how the federal government of the United States should look and operate. Today it’s an out of control, insatiable beast that devours liberty, freedom, and private property to survive. It’s tyrannical.

Kamala Harris believes in even bigger government. She believes the government should provide housing, healthcare, food, education, and even a monthly basic income for anyone with their hand out. The idea of such a society might sound appealing or dare I say equitable to some Americans but make no mistake about it. It’s communism which will lead to poverty. It always does and it always will. Kamala Harris is not a compassionate person. Arguably, she’s the opposite because welfare has led to generational welfare and generational welfare has and continues to destroy lives. It’s tough love that says hunger and fear are great motivators to make the changes in one’s life to be able to provide for oneself.

Now that Ron Paul is no longer in Congress, I don’t hear much about cutting costs and reducing the size and scope of the federal government. Big spenders on both sides, Democrats and Republicans, foolishly keep creating more money (debt) which is the primary cause of inflation. Paul along with many other thoughtful people referred to inflation as the hidden tax. But does the money supply and our national debt matter?  What if it doesn’t matter at all how much money the Federal Reserve prints or how large the federal government grows?

What if we just mailed every American over the age of eighteen, $1,000,000? That’s right. We just make every adult American an instant cash millionaire. Forget about the taxman who would normally be sucking up 40% of your loot. Everyone now has $1 million cash. What would happen? What would our country look like in 30 days?

I suspect half the adult population would quit their jobs. Mostly blue collar and service industry workers. The wheels of industry would come to a screeching halt. Car dealerships would sell out their inventories likely in less then a week. The manufacturing plants would not have the workforce to keep up with the demand. Used car prices would skyrocket. In less than two weeks we’d see people paying double or triple price for a used vehicle. Because there is no way to keep up with demand, and for as long as the demand remains, prices on new-used vehicles will continue to rise with no end in sight.

The same sequence would play out for any merchandise American consumers desire the most. Phones, computers, televisions, appliances, furniture, recreational vehicles, and other household items would all be in short supply in short order. The country would look like Walmart at midnight on Black Friday. People would have the money, but inventory across the board would be dwindling fast. Exhausted and disappointed, many of the instant millionaires will want to fill the emptiness inside at their favorite restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurants are closed because nobody showed up for work.

Three weeks later, store shelves are bare. Car lots are empty. Restaurants are closed. Trillions of dollars have changed hands. Expected delivery dates for the most sought-after items are unknown. Manufacturers and processors have no idea how to ramp up production with a fraction of the workforce they had prior to the million-dollar disbursements hitting checking and savings accounts across America. Private reselling would become the new normal in the fourth week. Where do you think prices will be at this point? Through the roof baby!  It’s simple supply and demand. And houses…forget about purchasing a house unless you’re willing to pay twice or three times the appraised value from a month ago.

That’s how inflation occurs and works. My $1 million in each adult American’s pocket is an extreme example to illustrate the point. It is proportional when scaled backwards. We witnessed it in real time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fewer people were working. Many manufacturers were closed. Stimulus checks for thousands of dollars each were mailed across the country. People were told they didn’t need to pay rent. Add together the debt both Trump and Biden created and voilà! The money supply crushed the goods and services supply, and prices went up. Inflation.

Kamala Harris appears to have no concept of how new debt impacts everyday prices. If she becomes president and adds a few trillion more dollars into the economy, will the whole system finally collapse again like during the Great Depression of the 1930’s?  Maybe. Maybe not. However, one thing is unavoidable. Prices will continue to go up after each new infusion of new money (debt) hits the marketplace.

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